Program areas at Can Council / Child Abuse & Neglect Council Great Lakes Bay Region
Casa (court appointed special advocates) - a program bringing together professionals and highly trained volunteers to create a powerful voice that advocates for a safe, permanent and loving environment for children in the saginaw county court system because of Abuse and Neglect.
Child Abuse prevention education (cape) programs work to find ways to prevent Child Abuse through a variety of community-tailored education programs and collaborative efforts. These programs are provided at no cost to any group or organization in saginaw, Bay, and huron counties reaching more than 4,000 elementary, middle and high school students and more than 1,500 professionals. Countless others are reached through newsletters, information fairs, media appearances and coverage, and campaigns such as Child Abuse prevention month.
Cac (children's advocacy center) - a nationally-accredited program that works in collaboration with the prosecutors, law enforcement and children's protective services professionals to reduce the trauma to children who have experienced severe physical and sexual Abuse, through a coordinated interview and medical exam done in a child-friendly setting.
Our mobile family resource center is a community-based endeavor that delivers resources and support to families where they live, work, worship, or gather. Using already established trusted relationships as bridges into a community, existing programs and services will be mobilized to engage families where they are at. Through these strong collaborations with trusted community partners, we will strengthen and empower families throughout our Region.