Program areas at Cancer Genomics Consortium
Annual meeting - a unique gathering aimed at bringing the global clinical genomic community together to create an inclusive environment of collaboration, education, networking and mentorship. With the continuing inter-displinary partnerships between clinical genomicists (cytogenetic & molecular), bioinformaticians, genomic variant scientists, laboratory directors, research scientists, pathologists and oncologists. Cgc is committed to playing an essential role in translating scientific discoveries into the clinical diagonostics setting for patient care and guiding the best practice to enable precision medicine at the highest level. The meeting will include invited scientific presentations from leading scientists and professionals, selected platform and poster presentations, round table discussions on topics, educational workshops as well as ample opportunities to network with the industry partners.
Compendium of Cancer genome aberrations - ccga is a collaborative project to document genomic aberrations in Cancer based on the who classification structure as an educational resource for day-to-day use in clinical case interpretation. Hosted on a wiki platform, the ccga is designed to provide up-to-date and integrative content, highlighting actionable and diagnostically-important features.
Other programs - the cgc early career initiative committee organizes and promotes initiatives within cgc to develop a community, facilitate networking, and promote the engagement of early career members. The goals of the cgc early career committee is to develop a community among early career members of the cgc and provide resources including networking opportunities, mentorship, board exam preparation, job search advice, and social events. The early career initiative committee liaises with other cgc committees, including the education, membership, program, and communications, in order to further the interests of early career members. In addition, cgc has webinars series that focuses on topics of high interest for cgc members and attendees of the cgc annual meeting, including implementation of new technologiesin clinical genomic testing, standards and resources for interpretation of sequence and copy number variants, gremline predispostions to Cancer, and novel approaches for detection of structural variants in constitutional and Cancer samples.