Program areas at Cancer Prevention and Treatment
Action now: improving the safety and effectiveness of medical products. This program pays for staff who focus on analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of current standards for fda approval and post-market surveillance of drugs, biologics, and medical devices. This work includes analyzing data, synthesizing Research conducted by others, presentations at public meetings, and sharing information with healthcare professionals, Health policy experts, and opinion leaders.
Cancer Prevention and Treatment fund program is focused on conducting Research and explaining Research results, helping individualsprevent Cancer, prevent Cancer from returning, and get the best possible medical care. The program analyzes researchbased informationfrom peerreviewed sources and provides analyses of Health policies. The program also provides a free online Cancer hotline and otherpersonalized assistance, and helps professionals give patients the best possible care through presentations at public meetings; hostingworkshops and webinars; and writing reports and articles. This program will also include technical support to organizations servingbreast Cancer patients of color.patient centered outcome Research institute supported long covid project brings together patients,researchers, and healthcare providers to share information about long covid (also sometimes called covid long haulers).
Implants: this project focuses on helping women obtain Health insurance coverage for medically necessary surgery, which conforms with the affordable care act. This project also includes reviewing and explaining new data pertaining to the risks of implants that can cause Cancer and other serious conditions, and providing that information to patients, healthcare providers, journalists, and the general public. The goal of the project is to ensure that women with harmful medical implants have accurate information and access to medically necessary Treatment, as the law requires.
Patient centered outcome Research institute supported media project brings together medical writers, journalists, researchers, andmedical experts to effectively disseminate Research findings from pcori studies and complicated covid19 Research. The projects firstaim is to ensure that the media and medical experts understand and give attention to important new Research findings. The second aim isto train pcori researchers and their patient partners to persuasively communicate their newly released findings to the media. Theproject will include onehour teleconferences as well as one inperson workshop for journalists and researchers.
A large number of people who recovered from coronavirus infections are suffering from longterm Health problems that last for months or years after the infection is over. Healthcare providers are struggling to find treatments to help these patients, and the patients report feeling desperate to find treatments to help them recover. The project will include 6 onehour teleconferences and one inperson alldayconference in Washington, dc.general Health programs include Research analysis of medical information, analysis of Health policies, andassistance to adults and children with a wide range of Health and mental Health issues. This includes a hotline for patients with symptoms or diseases, guidance for military family members, and strategies to reduce sexual assault and other violence.