Program areas at Canoe Island French Camp
Camping session 1: a 50 camper 3-week Camp session with a mix of traditional Camp activities and French language training. Meals, lodging, and instruction provided for these campers, plus meals and lodgings for 28 staff and volunteers.
Camping session 3: a 51 camper 2-week Camp session with a mix of traditional Camp activities and French language training. Meals, lodging, and instruction provided for these campers, plus meals and lodgings for 28 staff and volunteers.
Camping session 2: a 50 camper 3-week Camp session with a mix of traditional Camp activities and French language training. Meals, lodging, and instruction provided for these campers, plus meals and lodgings for 28 staff and volunteers.
A 51 camper 2-week Camp session with a mix of traditional Camp activities and French language training, plus a number of small fall school, youth group, and family & adult programs. Camp sessions i, ii, iii, and iv plus the small fall school, youth group, and family & adult programs totaled up to 5,128 participant days of programming. This included 15,384 meals for campers and participants.