Program areas at CHP
Background and mission:capital Health Plan is a local hmo focused on serving the 9 counties that constitute the tallahassee, Florida metropolitan area. The Health Plan's vision is to be nationally recognized quality, locally trusted, and affordable healthcare. The Health Plan's mission: as a not-for-profit hmo, we exist to improve the Health of our communities by providing high quality, comprehensive Health plans with low administrative costs, through primary care focused, patient-centered pursuing the mission, Capital Health Plan impacts the Health and well being of tallahassee area residents - both those who are Plan members and those who are not.chp serves a membership base of 135,000 people; over 34% of the area's population. The Health Plan has developed a high quality delivery system that includes over 700 area physicians, more than 90% of the medical community. The core of this delivery system is chp's employed clinical staff, a group of 29 physicians and 8 optometrists who practice in three state-of-the-art Health centers the Plan has developed. These Health centers are equipped with electronic medical records and can accommodate a broad range of primary and specialist care services including evening and weekend urgent care, lab, skin and wound care center, infusion clinic, digital x-ray and mammography services. Chp's ability to offer a highly organized component of its delivery system to its members has provided unique opportunities for improving Health care outcomes. The staff component of chp's delivery system consistently produces better results on measures of clinical care,member satisfaction and Health Plan seeks to lead our area and continually improve performance against benchmarks for clinical quality, member satisfaction, and affordability. Our focus on quality of care is evidenced by our member satisfaction and quality ratings from both ncqa and cms, where chp has consistently been rated as the best Plan in Florida and one of the best in the country. In addition, as stewards of our member's premium dollars, chp returns roughly 95 cents of every premium dollar to deliver healthcare services to our members. This concentration on quality and affordability is combined with a continuous effort by our medical leadership, in concert with physicians and other providers in the community, to identify and act upon opportunities to lower costs while maintaining quality. By being our area's market leader, Capital Health Plan attempts to raise the bar for providing value in Health care throughout our community. In addition to these marketplace impacts, chp directly invests in the community it serves through a formal community benefit policy adopted by its board of directors. The policy focuses the organization's community benefit initiatives in three primary areas:addressing market failures- chp will be a leading partner in the tallahassee area in addressing the needs of the uninsured and underinsured.promoting community Health - chp will transform its heritage in population-based Health to pursue strategies that go beyond traditional medical care to impact the Health of the entire tallahassee community.clinical training/research- chp will partner with the educational institutions in our area to help train the clinical workforce our community will need in the future and to maximize an evidence-based focus on population Health in training and Health Plan's commitment to community benefit represents a social dividendderived from the organization's ongoing focus on excellent clinical care and service to its members.2023 accomplishments and benefit to the communityhighlights of Capital Health Plan's contributions to the Health of the tallahassee area in 2023 include the following:affordabilitycapital Health Plan's commercial premium yield increased 5.5% for 2023. Chp has maintained 19 consecutive years of single digit price adjustments. These low price adjustments were achieved while maintaining a comprehensive level of Health benefits.chp's administrative overhead is consistently maintained at one of the lowest levels in the state of Florida, has been below 5% of revenues for the past 33 years, and in 2023 totaled 3.6% of revenues.reflecting chp's success in maintaining over 34% of area residents in its comprehensive hmo program, the tallahassee area - specifically leon county, Florida - has maintained the highest level of hmo membership and the lowest level, by survey, of uninsured population in the state of florida.clinical quality and member satisfaction chp has performed well across a broad range of clinical benchmarks highlighted by colon cancer screening, where chp consistently performed at one of the highest rates in the benefit initiativesin accordance with our community benefit policy, the following initiatives were supported in 2023:addressing market failure/uninsured and underinsuredsafety net institutions - chp provides financial support for the "we care" program administered by the Capital medical society foundation. "we care" provides donated professional healthcare services to medically indigent individuals who do not qualify for public assistance. Chp's financial support helps fund the administrative costs of this program. Chp also provides financial support through the united way to fund outreach workers to assist families in qualifying their uninsured children for a variety of Health programs. Chp also provides funds to neighborhood medical center in tallahassee which directly provides a range of primary Health care services to low-income people in our community.promoting community healthchp champions program - this is a public school partnership created to help stem the tide of childhood obesity by offering fitness programs before and after school. It was developed as a collaborative partnership with leon county schools and the tallahassee area chamber of commerce with services provided through titus sports academy. Chp started the program in 2006. The program is offered to all public elementary and middle school children. Approximately 19,000 children are registered for the program in leon county and the adjoining rural counties.clinical trainingwith the continual aging of our population and the growing shortage of general internal medicine physicians providing primary care services in our area, chp has actively worked with Florida state university's college of medicine to establish an endowment fund investment. This investment is intended to provide much needed scholarship support to medical students committed to becoming general internal medicine physicians or geriatricians practicing in outpatient settings in leon and adjoining counties of jefferson, gadsden, calhoun, wakulla,liberty and franklin.through a comprehensive range of services and initiatives noted above, Capital Health Plan fulfilled its mission and positively impacted the Health of the tallahassee area it serves in 2023.