Program areas at CARE Medical Center
The Medical Clinic exists to provide women with confidential services that confirm pregnancy, educate women about the options available for their pregnancy, and provide supplemental resources and referrals. The services offered by the Medical Clinic include pregnancy testing, pregnancy coaching and education, plus limited obstetrical ultrasound. Registered nurses educate patients on the reality of abortion procedures and risks, and fetal development. Pregnancy tests are administered one-on-one with a trained registered nurse and results are given within minutes. Because we are community supported, all our services are offered at no cost. Pregnancy Choices has approximately 20 dedicated volunteers who put in over 2000 hours in 2023. During their appointment, women are cared for holistically. Patients are given information on types of adoption available to them, and local parenting resources so that patients can make an educated decision for their pregnancy and their future. Patients receive emotional and relational care through discussions and education regarding sexual risk avoidance, healthy relationships, future goals, and family dynamics. Patient advocates care for patients emotionally and spiritually by offering prayer, bibles, and discipleship opportunities on an as needed basis. In addition, referrals and resources for social services such as housing, continuing education, job training, recovery, medical care, childcare assistance and other community resources can be given according to the patient's needs. A licensed medical director oversees the medical team who provides limited obstetrical ultrasounds on women whose pregnancy test is positive. Recipients of an ultrasound receive fetal development education and additional medical referrals as needed. Regardless of their situation, all services provided at our medical clinic are available for women facing unplanned or planned pregnancy. Since we do not perform or refer for abortions, arrange adoptions or provide comprehensive medical care, we have no financial interest in the pregnancy decisions made by women. Each woman deserves to make an informed choice for her pregnancy. The medical clinic exists to provide the necessary information, resources, and caring support for her to do so. In 2023 Pregnancy choices served 335 patients via 162 pregnancy tests, 148 ultrasounds, 22 STD/STI tests and 3 well woman exams. In addition, 369 participated in our mentoring program.
FutureImpact (FI) program speakers present to students ages 12-18 in both the public and private school health class settings and youth groups. Topics include healthy dating relationships with a sexual risk avoidance approach. Established in 1997 FI reaches students in Skagit County with positive feedback from students. FutureImpact is in compliance with the Federal Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines indicating that sexual risk avoidance is the most reliable way to avoid transmissions of STD's and unplanned pregnancy; is medically and evidence based; and is in compliance with the OSPI's comprehensive sexual guidelines. In 2013 FI began educating students on child sex trafficking awareness and internet dangers. FutureImpact was discontinued in September 2023.
Thriving Heart is our mentorship/education arm of the Medical Clinic providing classes and quarterly workshops. Thriving Heart utilizes an online educational curriculum called Brightcourse which offers streaming video lessons that are research-based, relevant, easy to understand and can be viewed from any location and device. Classes focus on parenting, healthy pregnancy, relationships, self-care, maternity, life skills, fatherhood, sexual health, and infant care. Clients meet with a mentor on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Registered participants can earn a crib, playpen, car seat or stroller through class attendance, as well as receive credits that are used to earn basic life necessities through our on-site boutique. This boutique consists of donated baby items, clothing, strollers, diapers, maternity clothes etc. Some of the classes are offered in Spanish. Thriving Heart had 307 boutique visits and 415 classes taken in 2023.
The maternity home is a residential maternity program that supports pregnant single women or women who recently gave birth and can house up to 5 women at a time. We provide a place where you can live during pregnancy and after the birth of their child. We provide a safe and secure environment for mothers to become emotionally and spiritually healthy. While at the maternity home residents will learn life skills, job skills, apply for housing, learn to manage money, attend bible study groups, and parenting classes to prepare them for independent living. Our goal is to equip moms to rebuild and restore their lives through biblical principles, education, and job placement. Women of all faiths or no faith are welcome. You must be at least 18 years of age and committed to stay a minimum of 6 months. The maternity home program was discontinued in July of 2023.