Program areas at Career Source Research Coast
Wioa adult: these funds are provided under the Workforce innovation and opportunity act to establish programs to prepare unskilled adults for entry into the labor force and to afford job training to those economically disadvantaged individuals and other individuals facing serious barriers to employment who are in special need of such training to obtain productive employment.
Welfare transition: this is the state of Florida's welfare reform legislation. the welfare transition program provides employment, training and educational services as well as childcare and other supportive services. This program assists in the transition from public assistance to employment.
Wioa youth: these funds are provided under the Workforce innovation and opportunity act to assist in providing high quality services for youth and young adults beginning with Career exploration and guidance, continued support for educational attainment, opportunities for skills training in in-demand industries and occupations, and culminating with a good job along a Career pathway or enrollment in post-secondary education.
Other program services including, but not limited to: wioa dislocated workers, wagner peyser, foodstamp employment & training program, local veterans employment representatives (lver), disabled veterans' outreach program (dvop), fates pathways to prosperity, reemployment & eligibility assessment, apprenticeship navigator, recovery navigator, Florida atlantic Workforce alliance, slc-bocc summer youth grant, hope navigator, hope training, Workforce summit grants and ticket to work.