Program areas at Carolina Human Reinvestment
Teen pregnancy prevention workshops Be Proud! Be Responsible! and Making a Difference are geared toward behavior modification and building knowledge, understanding, and a sense of responsibility regarding STD/HIV risk in vulnerable youth. The intervention is designed to affect knowledge, beliefs, and intentions related to condom use and sexual behaviors such as initiation and frequency of intercourse. Due to the pandemic, we postponed our group sessions as they are very interactive.
The Amachi Mentoring Program. "Amachi" is a Nigerian Ibo word that means "Who knows but what God has brought us through this child." America's most isolated and at-risk children are the estimated 7.3 million children who have one or both parents under some form of state or federal supervision. Without effective intervention, 70 percent of these children will likely follow their parent's path into jail or prison. The Amachi mentoring program was developed to provide them with a different path - by establishing the consistent presence of loving, caring people of faith. CHR is excited to joining AMACHI in matching 50 at risk children within Georgetown, Horry and Williamsburg Counties in 2016.
CHR Teen After School Center (TASC) assist juveniles between the ages of 12-17, who are considered at-risk youth or under probation supervision for nonviolent offenses, in accordance with requirements for the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice (SCDJJ). Juveniles are encouraged to attend our CHR TASC to learn about academic excellence, life skills, work skills, leadership and fellowship training, responsible citizenship, health and nutritional education, and community involvement.
CHR BIKE CLUB The CHR BIKE CLUB is a group mentoring program designed to equip and strengthen youth with leadership, life skill and team building capability while having fun. Some activities are field trip, college tours, business visits...
Our Community Garden: We cultivated, harvested and donated to the most in need in our community more than 14,000 lbs. of food from our traditional raised bed garden and more than 12,500 head count of lettuce from our signature hydroponic system. We accomplished this with the help of our tireless volunteers who have devoted more than 85,00 hours of their time, talents and efforts. Our garden quickly became a destination for local youth serving agencies and schools. We have hosted several leadership groups throughout the state such as DHEC, community garden practitioners, teachers and others.
Foodshare Georgetown is a partnership between CHR and FoodShare South Carolina with a mission to increase access to, knowledge of and consumption of vegetables and fruit through community-led projects. All of FoodShare's work is guided by strong beliefs that reflect our commitment to food security and food justice. We distribute food to food desert area of our community. Foodshare Georgetown County: We delivered more than 130,000 lbs. of fresh produce and vegetables to our community. CHRSC partnered with Food Share South Carolina in August 2021, working to help reduce the food access disparity in our community. Many of our residents face a myriad of barriers including housing, age, poverty, and reliable transportation. These are challenges to engaging in a healthy lifestyle and providing an environment in which their children can thrive and succeed. A healthy Georgetown County starts with healthy eating habits. We strive to enhance the quality of life in our diverse communities by increasing access to fresh, affordable produce and providing quality cooking skills education. We provide 'healthy eating' classes in or Afterschool program and, with funding, our goal is to send each child home, every day, having eaten a healthy meal.