Program areas at Carson-Tahoe Health System
Carson-Tahoe Health System is the parent company of five entities that provide care and serve the community. There are two hospitals (acute, long term (through june 2023)), behavioral Health, urgent & emergent care centers, and outpatient imaging, rehabilitation, and physician services. Carson-Tahoe Health consists of an acute care regional medical center with 211 licensed beds, of those 52 are behavioral Health designated, a long-term continuing care hospital with 29 licensed beds through june 2023, a free-standing licensed emergent care center, physician clinics, imaging centers, pain management center, therapy, rehabilitation and several medical office buildings. These services are provided regardless of race, creed, sex, national origin, disability, age, or ability to pay. Carson-Tahoe's mission is to enhance the Health and well-being of the communities we serve. The regional medical center provides care to persons, some of whom are covered by governmental programs including medicare and medicaid, as well as medically indigent patients unable to pay. The Health System also sponsors Health activities and programs to support the community including wellness education and support. In 2023, the Health System (all entities) had 11,593 inpatient days, 100,549 outpatient visits, 143,014 outpatient imaging visits, and 73,625 emergent/urgent care visits.