Program areas at Casa Chirilagua
Youth Programs -This program consist of Teens Club with 20 students in the 6th-8th grade and Casa to College with 16 students in the 9th-12th grade. Bothe programs participated in the Christian Bible Summer Camp for a week in July 2023. Teens Club is a program offered to create a safe environment for middle school youth to develop stronger academic, social, and leadership skills. Every session, students would have time to complete homework or grade level academic work and then participate in group trust building games and choice of gardening, cooking, and soccer. In Fall 2023, Teens Club started a three-year curriculum focusing on 1) Self, 2) Others, & 3) Our Community. Casa to College is a program created by and for high school students and focused on the awareness of post high school opportunities and access to college application support and building the leadership capacity in the Chirilagua community. All students participated in a Bible Study program created to foster and facilitate spiritual growth.
Elementary Program - In 2023, Casa Chirilagua, offered an after-school program three times a week for 37 students in the 1st through 5th grades. Students participated in math and reading tutoring and social emotional development sessions. Kids Club students participated in monthly exposure reward field trips. Kids Club also provided physical movement, art, culinary, and team building activities. With the average of one staff member per grade, Casa Chirilagua was able to provide personalized attention to meet each student's needs and help them grow in areas of learning deficiencies. Students did art projects through partnering with Heard, science experiments, and partnered with the Four Mile Run Conservatory to learn about the park and water environment surrounding to our community center.
Community Development Program - This program consisted of Adult Education and Parent Engagement. Adult Education - During 2023 Casa Chirilagua, offered two periods of virtual English Language Learner (ELL) courses, we served a total of 44 students during the year from the Chirilagua community. Casa Chirilagua, offered two periods of Spanish Literacy workshops we served 6 students during Spring 2023 and 4 students in Fall 2023. Parent Engagement - During 2023 Casa Chirilagua hosted nine Parent Meetings with Family dinners to provide information about the resources, events, etc. that are available to the families and the children. The Parent Committee organized activities, such as, Christmas Celebration, Graduation, Beach & Farm Trips, and Spring Yard Sale in 2023. Casa Chirilagua partnered with Edu-Futuro to deliver navigation services to the community and with the Senior Services of Alexandria to provide information and resources to our senior population.
Mentoring Program - For 2023, Casa Chirilagua added 12 new mentors. The Mentoring Program has a total of 35 active participants and it was estimated that mentors contributed over 1,300 hours of service. Additionally, the Mentoring Program held a 78% rate retainage among mentorships and were able to have deeper relationships with their mentees and other mentors in the program.
Local Leaders Program - In 2023 Casa Chirilagua employed four Local Leaders to provide academic and emotional support to elementary, middle, and high school students through Kids, Club, Teens Club, and Casa to College. They participated in overseeing volunteers, organizing homework tutoring and academic activities, Bible Study lesson planning, leading field trips, and creating content to expose students to new hobbies, college, and career opportunities. Local Leaders also conducted house visits to check in on students. In the spring of 2023, Local Leaders continued in their Holistic Program promoting professional development skills and implementing spiritual formation lessons. Over six workshop sessions were held for a cumulative of 12 instructional hours for the Local Leaders in the program.
Volunteers Program - The Casa Chirilagua's Volunteer Programs offers the opportunity for new individuals and organizations to learn about Casa Chirilagua, connect to the programs, and serve at the community center. This program included volunteer training and appreciation events, networking activities with current and new church/organization partners, and a college summer internship program. In 2023, Casa Chirilagua had 100 volunteers support the community during 1,205 hours of volunteering. There were 54 volunteers, the breakdown is 29 in Kids Club, 11 in Teens Club, 7 in Casa to College, and 7 in the high school Bible Study Program. 46 out of the 100 volunteers were less regular and attended one-time community events, or once a month for family dinners. In 2023, Casa Chirilagua had 9 board members who contributed 113.5 volunteer hours through board meetings and committee responsibilities.