Program areas at Cascadia Research Collective
Code 541700 Hawaii Odontocete Research (HI-OD): Conducted scientific studies on odontocetes in Hawaiian waters to examine behavior, movement patterns, including false killer whales and beaked whales using dive and satellite tags, photo-identification techniques and visual and acoustic studies. Supported by NOAA, State of Hawaii, Office of Naval Research, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Hawaii Ocean Foundation, and Dolphin Quest.
Code 541700 Marine Mammal Stranding Response (STRAND): Scientific research on marine mammals stranded live or dead primarily in Washington State including large whale stranding and disentanglement response along the US West Coast. Supported by NOAA and SeaDoc.
Code 541700 Photo-identification of Large Whales in the Eastern North Pacific (WC-ID): Scientific research on migratory movements, distribution, stock structure, reproductive rates, abundance and behavior of large whales using photo-identification and impacts of tagging research off the eastern Pacific Ocean. Supported by NOAA, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and California Ocean Protection Council.
Code 541700 Noise Impact Research (BRS): Study of whale and dolphin behavioral response to anthropogenic noise particularly Navy mid-frequency sonar. Studies involve monitoring whale and dolphin behavior and tracking the response of animals to controlled exposure playback with scaled sounded sources and Navy sources. Information from this study is critical to understanding the impact of Navy activities and also potential strategies for reducing these impacts. Supported by the US Navy.
Code 541700 Gray Whale Photographic Identification (ER): Scientific research to photograph, match and analyze photo-identification and biopsy data of gray whales to estimate abundances, regional fidelity and movements off Washington. Supported by NOAA.
Code 541700 West Coast tagging efforts (WC-TAG) of large whales to examine underwater behavior including ship strike and entanglement risk. Funded by Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Stanford Univ.
Code 541700 Intern Support (Intern): Provide reimbursement for living expenses for interns assisting with us.