Program areas at Catholic Charities of Fairfield County
Food services include two of the state of Connecticut's largest food cafes/soup kitchens serving the homeless and working poor, a mobile breakfast program, food pantries, and a congregate and home delivered meal program for homebound elderly. During the year, more than 1.5 million meals were served through these programs.
Family services provides school readiness for children who would otherwise not receive pre-school preparation, through the "room to grow early childhood education center", as well as a full array of family directions services including adoption and pregnancy outreach activities. Our immigration programs provide affordable counseling and legal assistance to immigrant families seeking assitance with employment authorization and us citizenship. The family loan program helps working parents who can't borrow from traditional lenders to obtain small bank loans to purchase a used car, pay for car repairs or childcare. The program is a "hand up" to prevent loss of employment for low income families. We serve all clients regardless of race, religion, or economic status and are accredited by the u.s. department of justice to meet a broad spectrum of challenges normally faced by families new to the united states.
Community support service programsthe community support services program provides assistance, training, counseling and family support services to individuals and families who are chronically homeless or dealing with substance abuse or mental health issues. Additionally, community support includes a family loan program that helps working parents obtain small bank loans to prevent loss of employment. For more information on the family loan program, see the schedule o, part x, line 7 narrative.
Housing services housing services programs provide rental assistance and support services to formerly homeless families and individuals who have documented disabilities or who have been recently released from prison. These support services assist these families and individuals with life skills as they move towards self-sufficiency. Ccfc housing programs consist of a network of both transitional and permanent housing administered via the state 211 can (coordinated access network).
Behavioral health services behavioral health services provide family and individual counseling throughout Fairfield County, Connecticut. Ccfc provides affordable and accessible mental health services to economically disadvantaged individuals and families. Behavioral health services have district offices in danbury and norwalk Connecticut.