Program areas at Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami
Child development services - through six child development centers in miami-dade county, Catholic Charities offers safe and nurturing environments where children can thrive academically and socially. the head start, early head start and vpk pre-school programs equip the children and their families with high quality educational and social resources so they can achieve their fullest potential.
Ministries - the Catholic Charities monroe ministries assist the five parishes and deanery to build upon its efforts to uphold human dignity and to reach out in mercy, service and justice to our most vulnerable people. Emphasis is placed on the formation, education and the empowerment of parishes and the community, as we together, develop ministries in response to needs, and social injustice.
Community based services - throughout the tri-county area, Catholic Charities provides services for the elderly, shelter and care for unaccompanied children and youth, family enrichment services, housing for individuals and families, homelessness prevention services, counseling and substance abuse treatment, and services for refugees and new entrants. Within these service groups assistance is provided with: acculturation, employment, case management, parenting skills and education, financial skills education, mental health services, foster care, adult day care, nutrition services, and cash assistance.