Program areas at CYO Camp Rancho Framasa
Summer Camp offers seven Camp programs in 35 sessions designed for ages 6 through 19 and welcomes individuals of any race, gender, religion, socioeconomic background and ability. Programs include traditional overnight Camp, sassafras Camp, grasshopper Camp, adventure Camp, traditional teen Camp, junior counselor program and ranch hands program. Traditional overnight, sassafras (a shorter version of traditional) and traditional teen Camp (offered to individuals that are 14-16 years of age) offer activities such as outdoor cooking, fire building, swimming, canoeing, high ropes challenge, campfire, games, sports, nature, parables, hiking, cook-outs, horse back riding, scripture, handicrafts, climbing tower, low ropes challenge, Camp out, drama, archery, Camp crafts. Grasshopper Camp is a one week day Camp with arts, crafts, singing, games, water play and one day field trip to Camp Rancho Framasa. Adventure Camp allows teens to learn about themselves while living in community with others. It is a primitive camping experience that includes travel, faith, leadership, guidance and daily care to a group of campers and are taught how to plan and implement Camp activities. Ranch hands program is for teens ages 16-19 who have support needs due to a diagnosis or disability. There are 3 elements to the program: leadership/training opportunities, meaningful tasks and recreational activities. Summer Camp program serves approxiamately 1800-2000 campers each summer.
School year programs include outdoor education (science and history). Leadership and community development and retreat opportunities. Each program is designed to serve a specific set of needs determined by the individual group and coordinated by the Camp Rancho Framasa staff. The needs could be education based, social based or leadership based.