Program areas at CYSC
The Summer camps, offered to middle and high school-age campers, offer participants a life-changing week of high-adventure activities oriented toward living a high-adventure faith. The organization serves campers from every diocese in the state of Ohio, as well as Youth who travel from all over the globe. In the Summer of 2023, 6,441 middle school and high school students at our Ohio, minnesota/wisconsin and Michigan camps.
Transformational retreats for Catholic schools and parishes are offered during the non-camping season. These retreats are bringing entire schools to jesus. Retreats offered include those focused on confirmation, faith & science, leadership, and specific high school curriculum. Facilities are able to accommodate up to 5 simultaneous retreats. Adult and student conferences are staffed by students of the damascus retreats. Retreats are also ran offsite by our national team. For the fiscal year, over 9,000 retreatants were served.
Missionary program. These individuals will spend either one or more summers, or 2 full-time years on-site in ministry leadership formation and training with damascus. Damascus missionaries meet with potential benefactors to solicit missionary support for damascus programs, and bring a spirit of joy to damascus' environment of encounter. 52 missionaries served the organization during the 2023 year.