Program areas at CCL
Housing financial coaching program - works to support participants as they work to achieve financial goals. Ccl provides one on one and group financial coaching that focus on developing participants' financial visions, outcomes, action plans and accountability structures, financial assessment and mobilization and application of resources to the financial action plans, inclusive of innovative financial products. The program also works to support participants as they work to obtain safe and affordable housing. To that end, ccl provides hud certified housing counseling.
Outreach - coaches work with members of the public to connect them to a spectrum of resources. Resources that may include,but are not limited to mainstream public benefits, networking opportunities, products or services or any other needed community support, assistance or resource that moves community members towards goal attainment.the goal of ccl's partnerships and community engagement is to develop empowered and accountable relationships with community members, that will prepare and resource them to achieve their goals
Employment coaching program - ccl's employment preparation and placement program works to support participants as they work to achieve employment in the short-term and career advancement in the long-term. One on one employment coaching includes: job readiness training, digital literacy training, assessment and goal setting, resume and job application assistance, mock interviewing and skill-building activities, referrals to job leads, pre-screening for direct placements, clothing and transportation assistance, follow-up and job retention.
Small business coaching focuses - on building black, indigenous and people of color (bipoc) led businesses in their capacity to identify and pursue pathways of entrepreneurialism and business sustainability. Small business coaching includes enrolling entrepreneurs, connecting small businesses owners to internal and external training, developing and assessing general business goals, and collaboratively identifying and mobilizing the variety of supports that entrepreneurs need in order to be successful during and beyond small business coaching services.