Program areas at Center for Educational Innovation
Public School Consulting- Includes customized services, technical assistance, school improvement planning and implementation, leadership development and content area support to superintendents, school leaders, teacher teams, coaches, teachers, and all members of the school community. By design, with aligment to the mission, with a renewed focus on equity and innovation, experienced team members work to build capacity to create the model schools their children need to succeed. Service is delivered in a multitude of modalities including mentoring and coaching, facilitated professional learning in small and large groups, modeling and delivering leadership development and pedagogical support in all content areas tp ensure for improved teaching and learning with measured improvements in student achievement and all areas of the school community.
CEIs Education Through Art (ETA) program was funded by an Assistance for ArtsEducation Development and Dissemination (AAEDD) $2.5M four-year grant awarded in2018 by the Office of Innovation and Improvement of the United States Department ofEducation. ETA was a program that utilized visual art and music as effectiveinstructional strategies to directly teach ELA and Math while strengthening socialand emotional learning (SEL) skills. The program served grade 3-5 students withdisabilities and their teachers in NYC School District 75. The program tailored alllessons, materials, and resources to the specific needs of each classroom to serve awide range of students - from those with cognitive challenges who are alternatelyassessed, to those with emotional and behavioral challenges who take standardizedassessments. The program included in-class student instruction, professionallearning workshops, coaching and modeling, the compilation of a digital resource oflessons, curriculum maps, and embedded schedules. The external found statisticallysignificant results regarding student and teacher outcomes.
Community Schools - Community Schools organize resources so that academics, health, youth development, and family empowerment are integrated into the fabric of the school to support the whole child.CEI leads a network of 17 Community Schools in Brooklyn, the Bronx and Manhattan.The Four Core Features of a Community School Strategy are as follows:COLLABORATIVE LEADERSHIP AND PRACTICEFAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENTEXPANDED LEARNING TIMEWELLNESS AND INTEGRATED SUPPORT