Program areas at CIVHC
Colorado all payer claims database in 2010, the executive director of the Colorado department of Health Care policy and financing (hcpf) appointed Civhc the administrator of the co apcd. The co apcd is a state-legislated, secure Health Care claims database compliant with all federal privacy laws. The complexity and scale of the database continually grows with between millions of claims submitted by payers each month, reflecting over 5 million lives and nearly 1 billion claims. It is the only claims repository in the state that represents the vast majority of insured lives in Colorado, with over ten years of data from commercial Health insurance payers, medicaid, and medicare. Analysis of these claims provide valuable insights on ways to improve the Health of coloradans, make Care more accessible and affordable, and improve the quality of the Care being delivered. Civhc makes this information available publicly via, and non-publicly via a data release process to multiple change agents including consumers, providers, employers, payers, researchers, state agencies, non-profits and others working to improve Health and Health Care, and lower costs for Colorado residents. Public data releases increasing access to transparent Health Care data for all stakeholders is fundamental to the legislative vision behind the co apcd, civhcs mission, and colorados ability to make informed decisions that benefit the state. Public data analyses and interactive tools available on are key methods Civhc uses to enhance transparency in the Health Care marketplace. These resources allow consumers and other stakeholders to access data on Health Care utilization, costs, and outcomes, fostering informed decision- making at all levels of the Health Care system. Non-public data releases in addition to providing public information, Civhc offers custom data sets and reports to state agencies, organizations, and researchers aiming to advance Health Care quality and reduce costs. Each data release must demonstrably benefit Colorado, in alignment with co apcd regulations. Non- public data releases are used by a variety of stakeholders to perform targeted analyses that support efforts to enhance Health Care delivery, improve Health outcomes, and address disparities.
Research, partnerships, and innovation the research, partnership, and innovation (rpi) department is focused on providing research support, program evaluation, community engagement, and collaboration to address the needs of low-income, bipoc, and marginalized or underserved communities. The rpi team conducts in-depth evaluations of Health Care programs, offering critical insights into their effectiveness and areas for improvement. These services help inform decision-making for partners, driving innovation and enhancing the quality of Care in Colorado. Additionally, the rpi team community oversees initiatives related to advance Care planning, such as promoting the use of the medical orders for scope of treatment (most) form, which allows individuals to document their preferences for life-sustaining treatments. This initiative is part of a broader effort to support patient-centered Care and ensure that individual Health Care preferences are respected across all settings.