Program areas at CIL
Core consumer services: housing access, referral & assisting technology-more than 1,000 individuals received cil's core services in fiscal 2018, receiving one-on-one, peer based, tailored training in necessary skills such as money and time management, health and medication maintenance, social and safety skills. More than 325 individuals received help finding, qualifying or retaining their housing. Specialists matched individuals with the right assistive technology to allow them to work or live at home, and more than 40 consumers received specialized home modifications (ramps, grab bars, lifts) that enable them to continue to live safely. A program to transition individuals from institutions into the community was continued.
Independent Living & quality of life - individuals received Independent Living skills training in health and safety, community resources, meal planning and nutrition, self-advocacy, sexual awareness, personal assistant management, household management, recreation and leisure, and money management. More than 100 seniors per year participate in the successful "Living well with a disability" curriculm, learning how to manage and thrive with age-related disabilities, overcoming isolation and depression as well as new physical impairments, cil entered into a county-wide partnership with the are agency on aging (aaa) and the hayward ilc to expand resources for seniors.
Mobility matters!-travel training & transit access-cil travel training programs have become the bay area model for teaching people with all types of disabilities how to get where they need to, quickly and affordably. Partnerships with actc, mtc and other bay area cities have expanded exponentially since the inception of the program. 40+ people were trained one-on-one to get where they want to this year and the program continues to reach more people. A partnership with bart resulted in making their web site more accessible, getting train and transit information to all their riders with disabilities (vision, hearing & physical). Cil joined other disability advocates to ensure that the planned new bart cars be built with access for riders with visual, hearing and physical limitations alongside other riders.