Program areas at Center for Rural Outreach and Public Services
Capacity building Services for the ute mountain ute tribe provide leadership development, team development, problem solving, program design, strategic planning, social media consulting, grants management, evaluation and facilitation Services for numerous federally funded grant programs awarded by hrsa, samhsa, usda, doj, doe, hhs and more. In 2015 crops orchestrated the first ever ute mountain native national partnership retreat that was attended by 20 tribal leaders, 20 national partners and 40 federal agencies which led to 150 million in new funding to benefit 2,100 low-income members of the tribe in 8 years. In 2023 crops planned and implemented the tribe's second native national partnership retreat called nuchu: planning our vision that prioritized 8 major capital projects with an estimated 240m in new funding needs and the creation of over 500 good paying jobs in the next 5 years.
Crops youth development programs include intergeneration leadership training, asset-based community development, film making workshops, and co-production of award-winning native youth films and books. Crops assisted in planning and implementing year round after school programming through an office of indian education grant called accessing choices in education. In addition, crops co-produced three anthem award winning books, including a children's cookbook; launguage preservation book called growing ute; and land changes book by elders and youth. The anthem awards is the largest and most comprehensive social impact award, accepting work across five areas of impact including: awareness & media, fundraising, community engagement, product, innovation & service and team & leadership for seven causes: diversity equity & inclusion, education art & culture, health, human & civil rights, humanitarian action & Services, responsible technology, and sustainability climate & environment.