Program areas at CARIE
the smp (senior medicare patrol) is one of more than 50 federally created and funded statewide programs fighting fraud, abuse and errors in medicare and medicaid. Through peer-education, carie's smp empowers medicare and medicaid beneficiaries to become more engaged in their health care, through protecting their personal information, detecting potential problems, and reporting any issues they find (the national smp tagline: protect, detect, report!) Medicare beneficiaries are engaged to serve as volunteers, teaching their peers about health care fraud and its prevention. the Pennsylvania smp currently has 35 active volunteers and partners with organizations including the apprise program and rsvp to expand its outreach and educational efforts across the commonwealth. Campaigns across pa reached more than 1.5 million persons. In addition, approximately 4,433 persons were reached through 147 outreach and education events. Staff engaged in 108 individual interactions with or on behalf of individual beneficiaries, including both simple inquiries and complex cases.
the providing Advocacy for victimized elders (pave) program was created in 2003 to support access to justice for elder philadelphia victims of crime and abuse. Staff provide court accompaniment, assistance completing victim compensation applications and impact statements, trauma-informed short-term counseling when requested and referrals as needed. During fy23 the pave program served 1,042 elders, informing victims of their Rights, educating them about the criminal justice system, and providing individual Advocacy for victims of crime and abuse. In addition, staff coordinate the Elderly victims emergency security fund (evesf) through which carie arranges and pays for re-securing the damage to the homes of low-income elder victims of crime and abuse in philadelphia. During fy23 funds were used to replace or re-key locks, repair or replace doors, and replace windows at 59 homes to prevent re-victimization of the resident(s). the evesf also provides emergency help with home needs that we become aware of through our helpline, and which present imminent risk to the health of the low-income homeowner.
the long-term care ombudsman program provides Advocacy for older adults in long term care settings in philadelphia and montgomery counties including nursing facilities, assisted living and licensed personal care homes, older adult day centers, and domiciliary care homes. Ombudsman staff educate residents about their Rights and investigate and seek to resolve complaints on behalf of elders receiving long term care services. In addition, staff support the volunteer ombudsman program and Pennsylvania's empowered expert residents (peers), specially trained long-term care consumers who work closely with the ombudsman to address resident's Rights within their facility. Ombudsman volunteers provide technical assistance to resident council presidents and other residents, educate visitors and staff about resident's Rights and act as liaison between residents and ombudsman staff to resolve complaints. During fy23, carie's long term care ombudsman staff made 949 facility visits, received 302 complaints regarding the provision of long-term care services, provided information and assistance to 727 residents and family members, as well as educating providers and community members.
Carie's oldest program is the carie line, a telephone helpline which quickly became recognized throughout the region as a source of assistance and Advocacy for elders, caregivers and professionals seeking to resolve a wide range of problems and concerns older adults were facing. Since its inception the helpline has expanded to be accessible online (carie online) and in community settings (carie onsite). Staff continue to work to resolve any challenge an elder is facing including access to health care or health care coverage, lack of transportation, a need for nutritional support, financial insecurity, inadequate housing and homelessness, elder abuse and neglect, guardianship and more. In addition to providing individual assistance and Advocacy, staff develop and present community education and outreach programs that inform elders and caregivers on issues of interest and concern for older adults. During fy23, the carie line provided assistance and Advocacy to 1,547 elders, family members and others who care about an older adult via phone, and 3,664 through outreach events.