Program areas at CPAF
Community services: cpaf operates the only 24-hour asian and pacific islander (api)-language crisis hotline for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in southern California, and the only rape crisis Center statewide tailored for api survivors. Callers receive immediate crisis intervention services, including safety planning, counseling, and referrals to medical, legal and other services. Cpaf is expanding access to services through implementing a multi-lingual chat platform to facilitate immediate help-seeking. Cpaf responded to 3,128 contacts in 19 languages/dialects, and served 123 clients with case management, counseling, advocacy, and financial assistance.
Shelter programs: cpaf operates the only emergency shelter in socal focused on api survivors. Survivors and their children stay in this safe, confidential shelter for up to six months while they move from crisis to safety and healing. Cpaf also operates two transitional shelters in la county, providing housing and services for up to 12 months. Survivors receive counseling, case management, parenting and life-skills education, and linkages to job training and permanent housing. Children are provided counseling, academic support, and recreational activities to enhance protective factors and reduce risk factors. 124 survivors and children resided at cpaf's shelters and 83% successfully graduated into transitional or permanent housing.
Community engagement and prevention: cpaf trains youth to become peer advocates and change agents in their communities to prevent violence. Through culturally responsive curricula, cpaf works with youth to promote social norms that protect against violence, engage adult allies and develop safe and healthy relationship skills. Cpaf also provides parenting with nonviolence education, to ensure children grow up in homes that promote safe, nonviolent relationship norms. Cpaf engaged 129 youth and 43 parent/adult allies. Through culturally specific outreach, events, collaborations and trainings, cpaf engaged 123 volunteers, 23 community partner organizations and reached over 4,000 community members.