Program areas at Center of Hope Foundation Incorporated
The Center of Hope Foundation's day habilitation programs provide support to individuals with a wide variety of needs and abilities, with each program designed to have services best suited to the individuals in each setting. All programs provide skills tranings designed to enhance the individuals involved. The quinebaug river day habilitation program is designed to support individuals with behavioral and sensory needs. This program offers a high staff to program member ratio to ensure that program members' are meeting their goals. The southbridge day habilitation program supports individuals wiho are more medically fragile. This home-like setting offers a high staff to program member ratio to ensure that program members' needs are met. The west street day habilitation program supports a variety of individuals who need more medical attention and personal care. Sturbridge day hab and Center of Hope day hab provide services more suited for younger people with different goals and education needs. The day habs serve 475 people with 77 requiring one-to-one support.
The transportation program serves individuals by providing morning and afternoon transportation from their homes to our programs. In fiscal year 2022, we provided a total of 40,431 runs. Transportation services include single trip transports, small group transportation in mini-vans, wheelchair transportation vans and passenger group transportation vans.
The employment supports program served a total of 128 participants. This program provides work evaluations, employment skills training, on-the-job support services and direct job placement services to individuals with disabilities. Work options include production and assembly, maintenance, clerical, auto detailing, yard work, recycling, gardening and cooking, retail and printing services which are all performed within the Center of Hope or its small businesses. Outside work includes: job placements in a wide range of community locations, including restaurants, hotels, hospital, retail, clerical, janitorial, delivery services and more, as well as a vast network of volunteerism sites.
Other program services include: independent living, vocational training, and community orientation