Program areas at CRPE
CLIMATE JUSTICE Our Climate Justice campaign includes advocating for a just transition, reducing direct emissions, and protecting community members from the health harms of the oil and gas industry. As the climate crisis worsens, we find ourselves with much to do. Among our major successes this year, we:. Completed our first draft of a Peoples Plan for a Just Transition for Kern County.. Filed a lawsuit against the San Joaquin Valley Air District to hold them accountable for alleged violations of their system to reduce pollution.. In response to our advocacy, the Governor signed legislation to implement the strongest state-level oversight and accountability measures on Big Oil in the nation.. Stopped many legislative attempts to lift a moratorium on under-regulated,dangerous carbon pipelines and helped push three legislative bills that will serve our oil and gas work AB 1167, AB 421,and AB 631 -- across the finish line
TOXIC FREE COMMUNITIESOur Toxic Free Communities campaign works on improving toxic site cleanups and mitigating the harms of pesticide use and the poor air quality caused by pesticide use. Heres how we made progress in protecting frontline communities from toxic substances this year:. Participated in the Peoples Tribunal for Pesticides and Civil Rights.. Successfully lobbied with our allies for a more protective regulation for a cancer-causing pesticide marketed as Telone.. Brought awareness to Phibrotech Permit Renewal, leading allies to take up the fight against renewing the hazardous waste facility in Santa Fe Springs.. Obtained a commitment from the state to monitor amounts of pesticides in the air in Arvin and Lamont and reallocate funding for Vegetative Barriers in Shafter, which would help reduce particulate matter pollution throughout the community.
FORGOTTEN VOICESOur Forgotten Voices campaign is dedicated to addressing air and water pollution within the community. We collaborate closely with residents and community members, aiding them in the development and implementation of their vision for the community. Our efforts extend to securing funding and advocating for this vision within the framework of long-term city and county planning. This year, significant milestones include that we:. Organized residents in Lamont to engage in budget advocacy with the County, resulting in the allocation of millions of dollars towards infrastructure projects.. Assisted 13 families residing on San Jose Avenue in Delano to connect to the electrical grid, significantly lowering installation costs from $60,000-$70,000 per family to a collective amount of $34,000.. Effectively mobilized Shafter residents to oppose the expansion of the warehouse industry, culminating in the establishment of a community benefit agreement with the Wonderful Company.