Program areas at Central Fund of Israel
Community projects:The organization undertakes community projects which benefit the welfare of the citizens and the land of Israel. During this past year we witnessed another significant increase in Anti-Semitism in all its forms. The threats to the nation of Israel, the land of Israel, the people of Israel and the supporters of Israel all around the world continues to rise daily. All media, but particularly social media continues to see an explosion of classical Anti-Semitism and many new modern forms of hatred. Voices of demonstrations, boycotts, divestment, and even total destruction of the state and its people are heard in classrooms, university campuses, newspapers, parliments all over the world and i'm sorry to say even in the halls of congress of our majestic country. The enemies of the Jewish nation constantly search for new ways to harm us. There are many who have not given up on their dream to destroy us physically. The venom heard throughout is reminiscent of the 1930's and its disastrous consequences to humanity. CFI continues supporting those charities which are combating Anti-Semitism, the BDS movement and threats of annihilation of the Jewish people.Our community projects are meant to increase public awareness to the realities of Anti-Semitism and combat it wherever it is found; whether through use of the legal system or social media. We need to educate the world of the evil affects of Anti-Semitism. Not even 100 years removed from the Holocaust, we see history repeating itself. Our grants also go to assist in the construcion and maintenance of community facilities throughout Israel.
Support of educational programs and institutions: As in the past, there is a great overlap of humanitarian services as many educational programs service the humanitarian aspects of education as in scholarships and special education. There is also an overlap with community projects as there is a constant need to expand existing, and build new schools as the population increases.This category also increased by 75% due to the war as all the educational institutions around the country were on war footing to aid in the displacement of tens of thousands of refugees who needed to continue their educations in new areas
Social services, humanitarian aid, aid to the poor:Helping those in need is at the core of the organization. Charity means helping those in need whether it be in education, building structures, security or medicine. Our humanitarian aid is targeted to those people in need, whether it be monetary, physical or emotional. This category includes aid to food kitchens, children at risk, aid to terror victims and their families, aid to refugees and new immigrants, special education, after school programs, womens health programs etc.Due to the war which insued after Israel was attacjed on oct 7th the need for these social services increased by over $10 million as the refugee needs were so great