Program areas at Central Illinois Agency on Aging
Title IIIC-2 Home Delivered Meal Program. The Central Illinois Agency on Aging provides fiunding for home delivered meal program for the Central Illinois Counties of Peoria, Tazewell, Fulton, Marshall, Start and Woodford. Meals are provided by organizations by way of grants (Contracts). Under the Older Americans Act, meals are provided to older persons on a donation basis only and must meet the nutrition requirements set forth by the Older Americans Act and the Federal Government. Meals are delivered to the older person's home and are intended for the home-bound. These funds allow for the older person to stay in their homes and communities avoiding institutionalization. Grant (contract) funds received are required to be locally matched. Unused funds are carried over into the following year. During the COVID pandemic, the State of Illinois required us to served not only home bound older persons, but also to serve older persons who requested meals, though not being home bound. This was to protect older persons as they would not be required to get our of their home as much to obtain food.
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA Act) of Central Illinois counties of Peoria, Tazewell, Fulton. Marshall, Stark and Woodford. The funds allow for services to the elderly who resides in their homes. The Act provided funds for In Home Based Services, Home Delivered Meals and Caregiver Services. Home based services consisted of home repair and renovation funds, transportation services, case management services, outreach services, legal services, and gap filling services in which fund were available for needs to keep seniors in their homes.
Title IIIB, represents resources restricted for strengthening and developing a system of coordinated and comprehensive service programs older persons designed to secure and allow maintenance of maximum independence and dignity for older persons capable of self-care in a home environment and to remove individual or social barriers to independance. Specific programs under Title IIIB includes transportation services, assisted transportation services, legal services, outreach, information and assistance to older persons, options counseling, advocacy for seniors, systems development and coordination and administration. Unused grant funds are carried over into the following year.
Congregate Nutrition Program in which seniors can go to a congregate meal site and have a meal with other seniors.
Health Promotions Programs which include Mental Health Screening, Medication Management and A Matter of Balance.
Elder Abuse support which provides support for our area M Teams which is the ensure various groups work together to eliminate elder abuse.
Caregiver Assistance programs. Which included caregiver counseling, support groups, education, respite, case management and gap filling services.
Adult Protective Services in which we monitor our adult protective provider and provide oversight.
Ombudsman Services performed by the Center for Prevention of Abuse in which the focus is to protect seniors whom reside in nursing facilities to ensure that they are treated well and not taken advantage of.
All other programs and services provided by the Central Illinois Agency on Aging, which includes program management, general management and direct services provided by the agency.