Program areas at SER
The program is aimed at slowing the spread of covid-19 in cook county by asking people, through trained contact tracers, to ask residents to self-isolate if they are in close contact with those that have been infected.
Chicago youth service corps (cysc) is a program where chicago youth (ages 16-24) can earn money while supporting their neighborhood and city. The program provides participants subsidized wages. The program offers opportunities for community service focused on covid 19 and/or social justice related opportunities through a hybrid approach of in person and virtual project-based learnings and fun virtual events during the fall/winter.
Summer youth employment program serves 140 youth ages 16-24 from chicago's most at-risk schools. Syep youth work in Jobs at sites across the city and various sectors to gain job skills. Youth will receive additional support through syep, regularly working with dedicated mentors to develop social and cognitive behavioral skills.
Wioa kane county, little village and healy center will serve youth between the ages of 16-24 to prepare them for post-secondary education and employment opportunities, attain educational and/or skills training credentials, and secure employment with career/promotional opportunities.
Little village reconnection hub will serve youth ages 16-24 from south lawndale's most at-risk areas. Lvrh youth will receive career coaching / case management; ged instruction and educational coaching; employment placement; outreach and recruitment; referrals; and financial literacy
Jted - provide comprehensive employment and training assistance that includes career services training and work-based training, support services and barrier reduction services, along with follow-up services consistent with the jted program statute.
The future energy Jobs act (feja) establishes a solar training pipeline program (program) to develop a solar installer training pipeline for projects authorized by the Illinois power agency act (20 ilcs 3855/1-56) and to establish a pool of trained installers who will be able to install solar projects of the Illinois power agency act. The program is designed to ensure that entities that offer training are located in, and trainees are recruited from, the same communities that the program aims to serve and that the program provides trainees with the opportunity to obtain real-world experience. The program is also designed to assist trainees so that they can obtain applicable certifications and/or participate in apprenticeship programs.
Wioa delegate agencies provide outreach and points of entrance to geographic communities and/or populations of high need who may not be sufficiently served by the larger one stop hub.
Illinois youth investment program (iyip) for Illinois at risk youth ages 16 - 24 with opportunity of employment by breaking down barriers to employment and gain self-sufficiency.
Reach out to engage at risk youth to assist the population in the little village/south lawndale area in gaining through criminal justice avenues socio-economical gains in the community. Promote antiviolence with the community through youth strengthen services and youth services.
Other training programs, including international youth foundation, tollway construction works and project onward