Program areas at Central Union Mission
Men's ministry - these programs not only provide for physical and safety needs, they also give people the skills to return to their community successfully restored knowing they have the educational, relational and spiritual foundation to stand on their own. We provided 43,582 bed - nights of shelter for men experiencing homelessness. The restoration & transformation program helped 35 men seek salvation or rededicate their life to christ. We provided 258 medical and dental exams. Our workforce & development program assisted 70 men find full or part time employment.
Partnership - through building partnerships with volunteers and prayer partners, donors and foundation, our churches, businesses and others who connect with the Mission, we will model christ's principles to facilitate sharing the gospel with non-believers. The Mission hosted 2,700 on-site volunteer opportunities (6,800 hours of volunteer work at the men's emergency shelter for upkeep, meal service and special events, comprehensive family resource center, Mission muffins, workforce development & education, lambert house, camp bennett, administrative office) and 900+ off-site volunteer opportunities, for over 3,800 hours of volunteer work.
Comprehensive family resource center - we provided 356,700 bags of groceries to 5,945 people onsite and to local partners. In total 5,945 people were served food and clothing monthly. Mission donors donated to operation christmas miracle providing gifts to 1,100 children, and backpacks and school supplies for 325 children. We continue to grow our co-located service center, including job training and placement, education, social workers, parenting classes, addiction support, legal aid, assistance with housing placement, as well as food and clothing.