Program areas at Centro de Periodismo Investigativo
JOURNALISM: CPIs journalism work has been significant in the production, promotion, and defense of investigative journalism in Puerto Rico and across the Americas. Our efforts have contributed to holding those in power accountable. As a strategy to achieve our objectives, we join forces with media partners in Puerto Rico, the U.S. mainland, and with journalists in the Caribbean. In 2023 reporting continued in health, economy, education, housing, climate and environmental stories, which addressed issues impacting our communities daily lives. During 2023 our publications increased and our reach grew. We retained a partnership with Telemundo/Rayos X, this allows us to participate in TV every week. We also maintained our gender issues unit as well as our public education unit. Our DE CERCA podcast had over 1,100 download and expanded reach through partners such as Radio Universidad, Radio Isla and Radio Raices, who retransmitted the episodes.
TRANSPARENCY AND LITIGATION: Our Transparency program advances our mission of providing access to information and transparency intended to have more knowledgeable citizens capable of holding the powerful accountable. The Tranparency team works with the support of the Legal Clinic of the Inter-American University School of Law, including litigation when necessary. In 2023 we retained an Equal Justice Fellow lawyer to do in house legal research, advisory on strategic litigation cases, community outreach, and give workshops on access to information. Additionally, our team published some helpful resources such as a guide to request public information to municipalities and agencies. New cases were filed to increase transparency across agencies and municipalities in Puerto Rico.
TRAINING INSTITUTE: The institute offers professional education to journalism students and professionals in investigative journalism. The program also provides mentorship and fellowship. The institute membership grew to 101 members in 2023. Also, we trained community young people in media literacy and citizen journalism.