Program areas at Centro Humanitario Para Los Trabajadores
Community worker care/wellness: the organization addresses barriers immigrant and low-wage workers face in the spectrum of mental health. The goals are to strengthen the culture and systems of the organization that reflect trauma-informed practices, promote wellness to reduce mental health stigma, and create access to wrap-around services and resources.
Bienvenidos a denver: in response to the influx of migrants in Colorado, the organization created this program to support newcomers while they integrate and navigate their new community through education, resources, and labor training opportunities.
Community economic development: the organization creates economic stability through employment opportunities, workforce development, and education to develop and train a strong workforce and working class in Colorado.
Direct action team/wage theft: the organization uses direct action tactics to negotiate and put pressure on unscrupulous employers to pay the money they owe workers. Our team partners with institutions such as joseph korbel school of international studies, denver's auditor's office, the Colorado department of labor and employment, and a direct line to towards justice legal sesrvices and pro-bono attorneys. Advocacy & community organizing: the organization offers our working-class families a venue and space to develop their leadership skills to find solutions to the pressures affecting their communities by working collectively and organizing with institutions that impact their everyday life. Emprendedores del center (entrepreneurship): the organization offers individual or group training to assist workers in creating their own business or becoming an independent contractor. The organization works in collaboration with the Colorado office of economic development and international trade.