Program areas at Centros Sor Isolina Ferre
Community innovation programs: these programs provide assistance to young people facing the following situations: delinquency, school dropout, unplanned pregnancy, substance abuse and violence. The assistance is provided in the form of orientations and counseling. The centers has various programs under this category. Some of the programs are: public and indian housing (faro de esperanza), crime victim assistance , and title v state sexual risk avoidance education. They also provide these programs provide assistance to the community in the following areas: family strenghtening, community self development, and leadership development.
Human development programs: these programs provide assistance to the community in the following areas: self suficiency, emergency assistance, elderly, child care, and self development. The company has various programs under this category. Some of the programs are: temporary assistance for needy families, oasis of love program and child care development program.
Education programs: these programs provide assistance to young people in the following educational areas: alternative education, early education, vocational education, post-secundary education, and special education. The centers has various programs under this category. Some of the programs are: trinity college of puerto rico, phycosocial alternative academic center program, and abc alternative program.
Head start programs: this program promotes school readiness of low-income children by enhancing children's congnitive, social and emotional development. Comprehensive services are provided to enrolled children, pregnant women, and their families, which include health, nutrition, social, and other services determined to be necessary by family needs assessments, in addition to education and cognitive development services. The organization will serve a total population of 404 participants in san juan distributed on 8 sites, and a total population of 506 participants distributed on 11 sites in ponce.
Disaster relief: this program is part of the coronavirus food assistance program and is authorized under the cares act. Through this program the organization purchased food through food coupons during the fiscal year ending june 30, 2022.