Program areas at Chantilly High Music Boosters
Support the band program at Chantilly High School by providing funds and paying the costs for trips, competition fees, maintenance of instruments, purchase of music, equipment and uniforms, scholarships for students, awards, clinicians, and providing financial aid to allow students in need to participate in the band program (serving approximately 200 students)
Support the orchestra program at Chantilly High School by providing funds and paying the costs for trips, competition fees, maintenance of instruments, purchase of music, equipment and uniforms, scholarships for students, awards, and providing financial aid to allow students in need to participate in the orchestra program (serving approximately 130 students)
Support the choral program at Chantilly High School by providing funds and paying the costs for trips, competition fees, purchase of music, uniforms, costumes and accessories and equipment, scholarships for students, awards, accompanists, choreographers, and providing financial aid to allow students in need to participate in the choral program (serving approximately 100 students)