Program areas at Charitable Allies
Provide legal aid litigation representation. Many nonprofit organizations are unable to afford excellent, experience nonprofit legal services. Charitable Allies provides these services at greatly reduced (low bono) rates generally, and for free (pro bono) when the case/matter is in specific furthermore of the public interest and related to the core issues of governance tax exemption and board liability. Our clients range the nonprofit spectrum, from the entities working in the human services space to churches, from community centers to social service agencies and from membership organizations to social welfare entities, among many others. In this litigation-related program we pre-litigation negotiation, litigation regulatory investigations, contract disputes and nearly any other common legal issue for which a nonprofit organization would require litigation-related representation.
Charitable Allies provides educational training to help clients understand and comply with complex tax-exempt organiztion laws and sources of liability for nonprofits and their stakeholders. We often partner with other nonprofit service providers or conveners (such as community foundations, professional associations, and insurance providers) to present continuing education and professional development events on topics such as changes or developments in the law, individual liability, and labor employment policies that effect the daily operation of every nonprofit. We also regularly contribute articles and other materials to publications directed at the nonprofit sector.
Providing legal aid transactional and governance representation. Many organizations are unable to afford excellent, experienced nonprofit legal services. Charitable Allies provides these services at greatly reduced (low bono) rates generally, and for free (pro bono) when the case/matter is in specific furtherance of the public interest and related to the core issues of governance, tax exemption and board liability. Our clients range the nonprofit spectrum, from the entities working in the human services space to churches, from community centers to social service agencies and from membership organizations to social welfare entities, among many others. We assist with a wide variety of legal needs such as accreditation audits, tax exemption and governance, real estate transactions, employment law, contract analysis, and nearly any other common legal issue for which a nonprofit organization would require transactional and governance legal representation.