Program areas at Charles Settlement House
Family services: the Charles Settlement House family services department assists individuals and families in crisis. We provide food, clothing, and rental assistance; family developers assist families in meeting goals to overcome the immediate crisis. 1,073 individuals received assistance. Rental assistance and/or meals through our food pantry were provided to 442 unduplicated households. Case workers/family developers help residents improve their living conditions, financial stability, employment status, medical care, mental health, and development of a support network.
Senior center & senior nutrition: the Charles Settlement House senior center is open weekdays, serving breakfast and lunch each day. The center offers activities for socialization, health and wellness, and case management services for the seniors. Additionally, two satellite programs are open at dunn tower i and dunn towers ii (one is a 3-day program and the other a two-day meal site). 149 unduplicated individuals participated in the services during the program year and 3,288 meals were served. The center also expanded their services to include dde population being served by arc. These seniors have retired from the sheltered workshops and are now part of our daily program. The center provides a growing number of services that keep seniors active and on the move. An emphasis on maintaining physical health led the center to offer exercise programs, a walking club, educational presentations about nutrition and health, and a falls prevention program. Curbside market through foodlink provides fresh fruits and vegetables at low-cost once a week. Seniors are transported to medical appointments for an emergency situation and are taken grocery shopping. Our center is a home away from home for seniors who are 60 and over (husbands and wives, widows and widowers, developmentally disabled seniors, and seniors with physical disabilities, etc.)
Youth development: positive youth development is a key component to Charles Settlement House programming. We provide youth in northwest rochester the opportunity to engage in various programs and activities that are appropriate for their age. The philosophical approach of our youth programs is based upon the "40 developmental assets." Increasing social skills, job readiness/pre-employment skills, school attendance, graduation rates and civic engagement are our main areas of focus. After school and summer: our after-school program is a neighborhood-based program located at our community center at 71 parkway. We served 51 children in 1st through 6th grade. The program is offered free of charge to families. Activities include: literacy, homework help, physical activity & sports, s.t.e.m., dance, photography, healthy cooking, newsletter, music and arts and crafts. A companion summer enrichment program was provided this summer.
Community facilities and other organizations