Program areas at Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Mizzen by Mott was an education technology organization founded as a direct charitable activity of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and its affiliated entity, Mott afterschool app llc, as a project of the advancing afterschool initiative. It is dedicated to creating high-quality and engaging afterschool learning experiences for youth in grades k-12. Mizzen's free digital library of lesson plans and teaching resources offers educators, mentors, coaches, and facilitators with a growing collection of curricula and activities that spark curiosity, joy, and a love of learning in youth. Additionally, mizzen offers professional development opportunities that prepare afterschool educators to teach effectively. As of october 1, 2023, mizzen by Mott became an independent 501(c)(3) public charity named mizzen education, inc.
The office of Foundation liaison (ofl) was established in 2003 at the suggestion of Michigan philanthropic leaders. The office helps develop strategic partnerships between the state of Michigan and foundations in order to create better outcomes for Michigan citizens within a commonly defined set of agendas. Ofl has received funding from 22 Michigan foundations as well as in-kind support from the state government. Its goals are to: 1) promote mutual understanding and collaboration between state government and foundations and to identify strategic opportunities for partnering; 2) serve as a trusted source of data, information and dialogue about programs, policy impacts and policy implementation options; and 3) facilitate strategic joint investments that will improve outcomes for Michigan and its residents. Since its inception, ofl has secured more than $150 million in foundation/government partnerships.
Advancing afterschool technical assistance - this direct charitable activity (dca) helped to further the Foundation's efforts to provide technical assistance to the statewide afterschool networks. Through this dca, the Foundation commissioned a consultant to: 1) facilitate the coordination of the afterschool technical assistance collaborative; 2) work with the Foundation to support the use and implementation of the network self assessment tools and strategies to support sustainable non-profit and network practices; 3) monitor and track the challenges and accomplishments of the statewide afterschool networks; and 4) provide direct technical assistance to the statewide afterschool networks.
The Foundation received monies from other charitable organizations under an agreement to regrant these monies to third party grantees for charitable purposes consistent with the Foundation's own grantmaking objectives.