Program areas at Charleston Area Convention and Visitors Bureau
Advertising and promotions: promoting the Charleston Area as a premier overnight destination through marketing and media initiatives. These initiatives include print, internet/digital, and television. Advertising campaigns are pursued based on extensive tourism research and trends. On a local level, this promotes Charleston Area businesses through five Area visitor centers and on-site visitor information booths. This is where staff are available to provide local information and offer tour tickets, guidebooks, and room reservations for purchase.
Production of response pieces: produces three yearly publications as well as an interactive website to offer Visitors additional information on local Area businesses, events, and travel tools. Each publication is geared towards a specific market: the Visitors guide offers information for both the leisure and combination leisure/business traveler; the destination planning guide offers more in-depth Convention and meeting planning information; and the wedding guide is full of information for any couple who is considering Charleston as a wedding destination. The website is consistently updated with tips for travelers including information on what to see and do, where to stay, and how to get around.
Group sales and sports marketing: attend industry events across the country, as well as international, to meet with meeting and Convention planners, travel agents, and regional and national organizations. Through building these relationships and providing information about the Charleston Area's offerings, the Charleston Area has earned its reputation as a world-class meeting destination.
Executive: collaborates with state and local governments on the long-term development of the Charleston Area through a travel and tourism strategy, resulting in, pre-covid, in an average of nearly 7 million Visitors, job earnings of over $2.5 billion, and an economic impact of over $8 billion for the region.