Program areas at Charlotte Ballet
Artistic programming: Charlotte Ballet presents 5-6 performance seriesof classical and contemporary Ballet in Charlotte annually, in additionto performing on tour locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. The organization employs an average of 28 dancers (20 first company; 8 second company) each season. The nation's top dancers are attracted to Charlotte Ballet's renowned artistic leadership; the diversity of its choreographers and challenging repertoire (both classical and contemporary); and a competitive contract that includes a minimum of 36 weeks of work/year in programming, education and community engagement, and dance training and diverse repertoire ranging from full-length classical ballets to innovative contemporary works. Charlotte Ballet's collective talents provide the opportunity to challenge, stimulate, educate, entertain and enrich audiences.alejandro cerrudo was hired in may 2022 as just the fifth artistic director in Charlotte Ballet's 50+ year history. Under his artistic leadership, Charlotte Ballet will continue to push the boundaries of Ballet and contemporary dance, as his artistic vision is to "build upon the company's identity as one of quality, creativity, and range, while embracing a pioneering perspective to enrich the art form." In this new era under cerrudo's leadership, Charlotte Ballet is poised to continue its multifaceted community engagement programming for all ages, high-caliber academy and innovative performances, and grow into a creative cultural leader that stands for diversity, equity and inclusion within its own walls and beyond.
Dance training: the oldest dance school in north carolina affiliated with a professional dance company, Charlotte Ballet academy annually enrolls over 900 students ages three to adult from across the country and around the world. Alumni of the highest level of training, the pre-professional division, have gone on to dance at american school of Ballet, san francisco Ballet and more; and the academy's repertory ensemble, a performance group made of top-level students, is designated as an honor company with the southeastern regional Ballet association.
Education & community engagement programming: Charlotte ballet'sflagship community engagement program, reach, offers Ballet and worlddance training by professional teaching artists and dance attire for upto 120 students annually, all at no cost to participants' families.classes are conducted over 29 sequential weeks, in five communitycenters across mecklenburg county. The program, which is a result of apartnership between Charlotte Ballet and the mecklenburg county park &recreation department, is the recipient of the national association ofcounties award in recognition of "an effective and innovative programwhich contributes to and enhances county government in the unitedstates and the north carolina recreation and parks association artsand humanities not only does reach offer access to high-quality dance training at no cost, with classes in diverse neighborhoods across mecklenburg county; it also offers opportunities for promising students to continue to train in dance through scholarships to Charlotte Ballet academy, as well as mentorship opportunities for reach graduates that include teacher assistant positions and internships. Reach scholarshipscomplement numerous scholarships offered by Charlotte Ballet academy totrain at various levels. Charlotte Ballet is committed to offeringtalented, committed dancers access to high-quality training, regardlessof socio-economic background, geographic or other resource addition to reach, Charlotte Ballet's annual education and communityengagement programming includes community performances,behind-the-scenes tours, after-school dance programs, summer enrichmentprograms, senior dress rehearsals, curriculum-based arts educationthrough in-classroom programming, dance-a-story workshops,lecture-demonstrations and educational theater performances - all inpartnership with area schools and community organizations. Apartnership with inreach (a non-profit organization that supportsadults with intellectual, developmental and other disabilities) offersmembers and their caregivers weekly dance classes by Charlotte balletteaching artists and a public performance at the center for dance.during the middle & high school dance festival, Charlotte Ballet offersa two-day festival at the center for dance, with master classes andauditions for scholarships to college and summer dance programs. A"sensory friendly performance," gives individuals affected by autismspectrum disorders and other sensory, social, and cognitivedisabilities the opportunity to enjoy a Charlotte Ballet performancewith a modified level of sensory stimulus in the theater. In total,charlotte Ballet's annual education and community engagementprogramming serves over 30,000 - approximately 85% of whom arechildren/youth.