Program areas at Charlotte Center City Partners
Cccp includes planning and development, economic and retail development, research, marketing, communications, south end and uptown neighborhood constituent services and operations under this area. Economic development is dynamic. Our state of the Center City report and event bring economic development professionals and brokers the information they need to market the urban core to employers and site selectors. We have robust retail initiatives in uptown and south end. Cccp has completed the n. tryon vision plan and is working on targeted implementation and programming. Our marketing and communications teams are focusing on our social media, websites, traditional media, electronic newsletter, and partner campaigns as our primary communications channels. Other ongoing programs include management of the tryon street vendor program and permitting of special event and banner placement. Cccp also has a management agreement with the market at 7th street to provide functional support and strategic planning regarding the market's strategy, vision, governance, programming, tenanting, fundraising, pr, marketing and finance. South end is a complete neighborhood with strong growth in the office and hotel sectors to compliment the robust residential offerings. We do targeted economic development support, when invited, in historic west end. One of cccp's core missions is to work with uptown and south end neighborhood associations to enhance constituent services for Center City residents through communication and advocacy. Cccp helps connect these organizations with each other by working with neighborhoods on initiatives including parks and open space, education, events and programming, public safety, parking management and lighting.accomplishments: economic development, n. tryon vision plan implementation, neighborhood services, marketing and branding execution.
Develop and produce quality programming and events that create a vibrant urban core, while addressing the needs of stakeholders. We produce the novant health thanksgiving eve parade, Charlotte shout! And clt new year's eve. For other programming, we shifted our focus to more frequent street-level programming that activates and animates while connecting with the stakeholders of uptown and south end. Our programming focused around major initiatives such as retail, south end, rail trail and uptown neighborhood initiatives as well as holidays in the City and the Center City vision awards. Cccp works with other event producers to be sure all events in the Center City are of a high caliber. We continue to work on our initiative music everywhere, to seed live music in the Center City with the support of funding Partners and music producers. Accomplishments: continued success of the novant health thanksgiving day parade, successful Charlotte shout, building of music everywhere, successful shift from large scale events to street-scale programming.