Program areas at Canopy Housing Foundation
Realtors care day is an annual community service project coordinated by the Foundation where approximately 400 Realtor volunteers worked to provide critical home repairs for 15 homes and facilities in mecklenburg, iredell and haywood counties on april 21st, 2023. Included in the project were repairs made to the facilities of three non-profit agencies: gen one, easyway middle school, and davidson Housing coalition. In addition, two separate food drives were held in conjunction with the project with more than 7,500 lbs of food collected for area food pantries. In seclecting work sites, the Foundation works with local Housing partners such as habitat and local municipalities to identify eligible homeowners, who then go through a detailed application and verification process. Since its inception 14 years ago, this project has assisted 315 families and non-profit organizations.
Strides for shelter 5k run / walk is presented by the Canopy Housing Foundation annually and is dedicated to meeting the needs of the local homeless community. The race has generated over $172,000 that has been returned to the community for homeless initiatives since its inception. Proceeds of $42,000 from the 2023 strides for shelter 5k run / walk were donated to Charlotte family Housing. Charlotte family Housing is a shelter-to-housing program for working families experiencing homelessness. Their mission is to empower working families experiencing homelessness achieve life-long self-sufficiency through shelter, Housing, supportive services and advocacy. Funds from the race assisted in redesigning, restructuring, refurbishing, and restocking the organization's map store (motivated achievement points); this store provides essential for families as they transition until permanent Housing.
The Foundation contributed to local nonprofit organizations whose purpose is addressing unmet Housing needs and affordable workforce Housing needs in the greater Charlotte area and haywood county through its two grant programs. 1) habitat support program ($24,500) 7 Regional area habitat for humanity organizations were granted restricted programming support to continue their work on behalf of affordable Housing. 2) community grants program ($55,000) 20 nonprofit organizations were granted restricted programming support to address unmet Housing needs across a three-county service area (mecklenburg, iredell and haywood). In addition to the grant funding, the Foundation honors an individual, project or organization through its annual humanitarian award ($5,000); as part of that honor, the recipient is asked to designate a non-profit to receive a contribution in their honor. In 2023, the organization chosen as the recipient of the honor was the dilworth center in Charlotte, nc. The center takes a holistic approach to treating alcoholism and drug addition, along with co-occurring mental health conditions, to achieve long-term recovery. In 2019, the Foundation launched the youth excellence in service award (yes) to honor extraordinary youth for their charitable contributions to the community. As a result of receiving the award, the recipient is able to designate a non-profit to receive a $500 donation from the Foundation. In 2023, the chosen recipient was a small grassroots non-profit called "z feeds angel food project" which works to feed the homeless in the community.