Program areas at Chatham County Safety Net Planning Council
Deliver oral healthcare for uninsured and underinsured individuals in Chatham County by providing to citizens good oral health practice information, oral health hygiene kits, referals to local federally qualified health centers (fqhcs), j.c. lewis primary healthcare center,curtis v. cooper healthcare, savannanh techincal college hygiene clinic, coastal health distrcit, and savannah volunteer dental clinic, intervention services including exams, cleanings, extractions, and oral cancer screenings. In partnership with our oral health partner remote area medical (ram), the largest provider of free pop-up clinicsin the u.s., local dentists, savannah technical college dental hygieneprogram, Georgia southern university speech and communication disorders program, local dentists, hygienists, and volunteers who provided $97,399 worth of dental services.
The Planning Council provided indigent care by providing health care for uninsured and underinsured individuals in Chatham County.
The Planning Council continued to provide an array of Safety and resilience programs (skills and evidenced based programs) in our community. Prevent suicide today (pst) is a commuity based program working to prevent suicide by raising awareness about suicide and providing skills-based evidence-based suicide intervention and prevention training. We trained 146 peole in applied suicide intervention skills training (asist) and 180 people in various other trainng (suicidetalk, question persuade, refer (qpr), mindful self-compassion (msc), front porch acts, tramua sentitive yoga (tsy), and commuity resiliency model (crm)). Additionally, we supported the implementation of the asist teacher training (t4t) and developed 15 additional trainers in the region (42 total asist trainers since the program began.) Mindful self-compassion (msc)is a community-wide evidenced-based program working to build resilience and enhance emotional wellbeing by providing training and resources to the public for learning and practicing mindfulness and self-compassion. We trained 706 people in various msc training and supported the development of an msc-trained teacher for teens. Trauma sensitive yoga (tsy) is an evidence-based program that uses clinical adaptation of a yoga practice designed as a therapeutic intervention for individuals impacted by trauma, including childhood trauma, complex trauma, and post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd). Tsy integrates movement and attention-regulation activities to build the skills of self-regulation and elicit the relaxation response of the nervous system. In fy22-23, we developed 20 certified tsy instructors and provided tsy services at 18 local non-profit and youth serving organizations and schools reaching over 1,000 participants.
Deliver health care for uninsured and underinsured individuals in Chatham County.