Program areas at COI
Early care and education - provide education to families and their children through programs such as head start and universal pre-k.
Health & family services - provides adult and senior home health services, and residential, educational, and asset development services to children and their families through such programs as fatherhood initiative, youth safehouses, after-school programs, and respite.
Housing and community development - provide services and Opportunities to low income persons, as well as provided assistance in the administration of other services. Specific programs include section 8 housing choice voucher and weatherization assistance.
Child care council - provides resources, referrals, training, and other supports for childcare providers: expenses, 1,759,695; program service revenues, 225,711. Economic development - program provides economic counseling to individuals as means to improve assistance in the administration of other services: expenses, 42,796; program service revenues, 1,000. Central services - charges and fees to organization's funded programs for provided administrative and other services, 973,330. Expenses of 2,774,708 as reported on form 990, part ix, column (c).