Program areas at Chicago Lighthouse Industries
The Chicago Lighthouse Industries manufacturing program provides rehabilitation, training and employment for people who are blind or visually impaired. Workers are employed at various packaging and assembly jobs, in the manufacture of both planners and clocks for the federal government and other commercial markets. The workers assemble and package footrests, backrests and monitor arms, and package cooking thermometers for the federal market, as well. During fy23, 62 people with visual and other disabilities were provided employment.
Federal government service contracts provide jobs for qualified people who are blind or visually impaired, with Chicago Lighthouse Industries maintaining responsibility for recruiting, training and hiring for these positions and managing such contracts, at offsite locations. Those employed are paid by Chicago Lighthouse Industries. The work is performed in champaign, Illinois, where employees of Chicago Lighthouse Industries are engaged in janitorial, and warehousing activities, fulfilling the requirements of two federal government service contracts.during fy23, 8 people with visual and other disabilities were provided employment under these contracts.
Contract management services (cms) program operates in rock island, Illinois. Chicago Lighthouse Industries operates as a sub-contractor for national Industries for the blind, employing trained contract closeout specialists for the purpose of de-obligating unspent funds for the military, through the closeout process. During fy23, 8 people with visual and other disabilities, as well as veterans, were provided jobs in this program.
Digital accessible experience (dax) consulting services.