Program areas at Child Care Aware of Minnesota
Child Care Aware system servicesprovide leadership and influence across the Child Care Aware system. -focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism (dei-ar) issues within the Child Care Aware of Minnesota system and beyond: -two of our leadership staff became idi qualified administrators, enabling them to administer the idi and provide coaching to the ccaomn system. -we conducted a system-wide needs assessment to identify each region/district's needs for dei-ar work. A menu of support and summaries was provided for each district or region to identify the next steps. -ccaomn coordinating office (co) staff have convened an anti-racism group with 10-15 participants who meet twice a month to identify challenges that continue racism in the coordinating office and the system and to take action to address those challenges. -convened function-specific field staff and overall coordination/leadership staff to support and guide project work and provide updates and support as needed. -led a system-wide advocacy Network, which convenes quarterly to learn, educate, and share advocacy initiatives for early childhood issues statewide.coordinate and deliver a system of early childhood education professional development -continued to serve as the primary delivery system to deliver Child Care Aware training from both Child Care Aware staff and contracted trainers. -collectively (with our local agency partners), we delivered 940 classroom-based courses with 8,448 attendees and 631 web-based professional development courses with 47,828 attendees. -150 of the web-based courses we delivered were taught in languages other than english, with spanish and somali being the most common languages. 810 participants completed the courses in languages other than english. -in addition, we supported pine tech community college to deliver 266 courses with 2,935 attendees. -the online pilot training, which expands the system capacity for offering online courses to our partner agencies, held ninety-six training courses in the second half of the fiscal year, with 816 participants completing these courses. Coordinate implementation of the parent Aware (pa) quality rating and improvement program -as of september 30, 2023, there were 2,762 Child Care programs with a parent Aware rating in Minnesota. -we worked with 13 coach champions to ensure broad support for the 59 parent Aware quality coaches and to gain insight into the resources and support those coaches need. This included: -facilitating the first of many engagement events on june 1st with most of the system staff to gather ideas around the pa rating pathways and cohorts project for the racial equity action plan. -participating in various workgroups as part of the ongoing parent Aware redesign. -supporting 226 programs to earn a rating in the accelerated pathway this fiscal year. -providing a webinar, coaching, and ta to 177 programs in either the accelerated or expedited pathways that earned a parent Aware grant.provide all families with the resources and support they need to make an informed Child Care choice. -the Child Care information services (ccis) team completed 616 referrals this past fiscal year and 1,112 additional calls covering a wide range of topics and requests for assistance. The most common topics raised in these phone calls are financial assistance for Child Care or general financial needs and special needs Care. Other topics include housing support, food insecurity, early learning scholarships, county ccap, the provider update tool, website navigation, military assistance, transportation, and licensing questions. -the ccis team worked with the wayfinder and quality improvement teams to address family transportation needs this past year. -outreach efforts have continued to grow. We currently partner with more than 125 community organizations that support mn families and communities in accessing high-quality Care and forty-five more formalized partner organizations/ employers with whom we have agreements drafted or collaborated more closely. -we hosted 119,000 total users, 117,000 new users, and had 535,000 page views on our online search tool Provide technical assistance and other support to the Child Care sector. -Child Care Aware of Minnesota once again provided technical assistance for the Child Care stabilization grant program. During fy23, ccaomn received a monthly average of 258 calls and 214 email messages to provide technical assistance for these grants. -empower to educate is a workforce recruitment program that officially was launched on july 21, 2022. The program provides early childhood workforce advising and relationship-based professional development, wraparound services and support, job skills training and job placement support, two program stipends, a mentorship program, data and program evaluation, and marketing and outreach. -during the first year of the empower to educate program, our partner agencies across mn hired twelve workforce advisors (two full-time and ten part-time or dual roles). There are more than two hundred active participants, with over a third identifying as black, indigenous, and people of color (bipoc). A third of the participants are interested in starting their own family Child Care program or Child Care center, and almost 70 % expressed interest in working at a Child Care center. -as of november 20, 2023, 461 participants have received a stipend from empower to educate. 119 participants have completed the program as of december 4, 2023. -the empower to educate program also started a mentorship program to provide further guidance and support for its participants. There were twenty-six mentors paired with twenty-three mentees across Minnesota. The mentors received mentorship training and stipends for their time and expertise as part of this program. -Child Care wayfinder assistance Network is a new capacity-building program designed to increase family access to Child Care by maintaining or increasing the number of licensed spaces for children by supporting early educators to navigate existing processes to establish, sustain, and expand licensed Child Care programs. -Child Care wayfinder has 30 wayfinder navigators hired by district agencies across mn who work with program participants throughout the system. Our team supports the navigators with training and program management. -after the first year of programming, Child Care wayfinder has almost nine hundred participants across mn, with 31% identifying as bipoc. -a new case management system has been implemented recently to improve program monitoring and management. -a vital aspect of the wayfinder program is the strength of partnerships with community organizations. These key partnerships have built our organizational capacity to serve diverse communities more effectively.
Eager-to-learn: eager-to-learn (etl) is an innovative, community-based e-learning program. Its online courses are designed to provide quality, accessible educational opportunities for people who Care for children. A leader in the field, eager-to-learn is built upon several decades of research supporting the effectiveness and universal reach of the online learning model. Trained professionals offer courses covering a wide range of topics focusing on children from birth to age 12. Anytime learning (atl) courses are self-paced, online courses designed to give students the flexibility to learn on their own time and at their speed. -we supported the following etl & atl courses in fy23: type of course/number of events/ number of attendeestotal etl / 72 / 432 total atl / 559 / 47,396 -this past fiscal year, our etl team focused heavily on the launch of a pilot program for instructor-led online training through our districts. Our coordinating office collaborated with two districts to offer independently owned courses with trainers in the state's west central and northwest portions. - the online mn Child development associate (mncda) and director credential (dc) programs are our most popular instructor-led offerings, with six cohorts (3 mncda and 3 dc) beginning or continuing running throughout this reporting period. A total of twenty-two students completed the mncda credential, and thirty students finished the directors credential. One of the director credential cohorts was in spanish and had ten students enrolled.
Direct financial supports high-quality Child Care requires substantial investments in certification, education, and retention of early educators. Our scholarship and grant programs focus on retaining early childhood educators and supporting their professional development. -t.e.a.c.h. Early childhood Minnesota (t.e.a.c.h.) Is a scholarship program that helps early childhood and school-age educators increase their levels of education, compensation, and commitment to the field by earning college credits and degrees. -we spent $827,987** on t.e.a.c.h. Scholarships for 265 early childhood educators. -of these, 74 (28%) self-identified as bipoc, and 42% of t.e.a.c.h. Recipients are considered rural. -t.e.a.c.h. Recipients completed a total of 2,731 credit hours in fy23. The average number of credits completed per recipient was 9.68. ** this number reflects the amount spent during fy23 on t.e.a.c.h. Scholarship expenditures, not the amount encumbered for new scholarships from dhs. -our t.e.a.c.h. Team has recently piloted an apprenticeship program in partnership with the t.e.a.c.h. National office. This program supports apprentices with employment, on-the-job training, college coursework, individualized mentoring, and additional support in earning industry-recognized credentials and degrees and applying early childhood best practices in their programs. -reetain bonuses help supplement income for early childhood educators who have attained a certificate or higher education degree as they work to establish a career in the field. Reetain bonuses can be used for program supplies, training, or personal expenses. -we awarded reetain grants totaling $1,032,000 to 509 early childhood educators. -of these, 18% identified as bipoc, and 49% are in rural areas (outside of the metro region). -cda awards help early educators pay for the required training, application, and renewal of the nationally recognized Child development associate credential (cda). Applications are accepted at any time. Awards are distributed quarterly. -we awarded cda training, assessment or renewal scholarships, and professional development specialist stipends totaling $32,068 to 54 early childhood educators. -of these, 30% are identified as bipoc, and 72% are in rural areas (outside of the metro region). -foreign credential evaluation scholarships are used to evaluate recipients' foreign early childhood credentials. -we awarded $1793 to 5 recipients. One of the three partners completes the evaluations and helps recipients identify and increase their career lattice steps within the pd system.
Parent Aware: the coordinating office receives funding through a separate contract with the Minnesota department of human services to manage the parent Aware rating team that provides final review and scoring for the quality documentation portfolios submitted by early educators pursuing a star rating. This work includes rigorous processes to ensure reliability and consistency in scoring. This team reviews and recommends star rating levels to the Minnesota department of human services for all parent Aware applicants, including those pursuing a full rating, an accelerated rating, or an expedited rating. The following programs have been re-rated during fiscal year 23: -head start: 12 individual sites -public school pre-k: 128 districts that included 229 individual sites -accredited, licensed centers: -216 through the accelerated pathway and -five through the expedited pathway -july 2022 full rating cohort: 351 total -98 licensed Child Care centers, -243 family Child Care programs, -10 tribally licensed programs -january 2023 full rating cohort: 455 total -140 licensed Child Care centers, -313 family Child Care programs, -2 tribally licensed programs the ratings team has also been providing input for the upcoming one-star rating changes and has continued to collaborate with parent Aware for standards and indicator updates and the parent Aware redesign.
Other:-ccaoa-wk kellogg foundation -expand and diversify involvement in the Care public policy fellowship -continue to facilitate and grow the transforming Minnesota's early childhood workforce initiative -continue leadership on the great start task force for all Minnesota's children -develop an equity tool for planning and assessing legislative mandates and arp-funded initiatives.-ccaoa emergency preparedness grant -this grant focuses on creating and delivering the emergency preparedness for Child Care programs curriculum, including training our system navigators and other staff to provide support.-sheltering arms foundation grant -this grant funds a lobbying contract for the work of "transforming Minnesota's early childhood workforce birth through eight." Child Care Aware of Minnesota serves as the pass-through entity for payment. The work includes increasing access to ongoing professional development and degree attainment opportunities for the early childhood workforce and strategies for increasing compensation.-the Child Care advocates ready to emerge (Care) fellowship -this funding from the hopkins early learning center (as part of their dissolution as a nonprofit) was earmarked for the continuation of the Care fellowship. An mou was signed to direct the use of the funding. A budget was created to extend this initial funding across 2021-2025. Brings together a diverse group of enthusiastic and curious participants to improve their advocacy knowledge and skills. This project is a collaborative effort across multiple organizations, with Child Care Aware serving as the fiscal host.-united way/start early funders coalition -this grant helps to fund stipends and support for the Care fellows in the 22-23 cohort.-naeyc grant -this grant includes pass-through funds to mnaeyc for outreach and promotion of the unifying framework and support for the policy work of transforming Minnesota's ece workforce policy development.