Program areas at 4Cs
Family and Parent Services - 4Cs provides access to and administration of several government sponsored, subsidized child care programs. These programs help lowincome families who are work1ng, parents seeking work, those who are in training, homeless, incapacitated, or as referred by child protective service agencies. 4Cswas able to assist approximately 680 families during the year, helping approximately 1,105 children with child care services. 4Cs spends well over 80% of programmoney to pay the actual child care services. Without 4Cs programs, the parents would have to quit jobs, quit school, or have one parent work multiple shifts tomake sure their children have the appropriate care during the day.
Referral and Provider Services - 4Cs provides referrals to child care providers to any resident of San Mateo County, regardless of income. This service allows parents to find the appropriate care for their child(ren) at a qualified child care facility close to either home or work. During the year, 4Cs provided 3,182 referrals via online, in person and over the phone. In addition, 4Cs offers training and professional updates to 419 child care providers in the county. Training includes health and safety classes, business classes, and assistance with certifications and licensing. Lastly, 4Cs provides free referrals to all families in the county looking for help in areas beyond child care- housing, food assistance, employment, or legal aid, for example.