Program areas at Child Care Network
Family support program (fsp) the family support program provides tuition assistance (scholarships) to families to pay for quality Child Care. Fsp allows parents to work and further their education while assisting Child Care entrepreneurs and their staff in achieving, maintaining, and improving early learning experiences for young children. Program staff work with parents to provide strengthbased guidance and counseling. Fsp scholarships are available in genesee, hillsdale, jackson, lenawee, monroe, and washtenaw counties. During the fiscal year, the family support program leveraged public and private funds to present $1,024,708 in early learning scholarships to 521 children from 404 families. The tuition was provided to 121 early learning businesses.
Community programs Child Care Network runs additional programs that are in alignment with the organization's mission. Child Care Network offered 164 classes with 2,477 participants and 425 training hours. In our talent pipeline and innovation project, staff supported 188 early childhood professionals with training for the Child development associate credential and/or resources and supports to obtain credentials or higher education in early childhood. Through our family Child Care networks and family, friend and neighbor program, 82 license exempt providers and 31 licensed home providers were supported with free training, and resources. Free consultation related to recruitment and retention was provided to 15 licensed Child Care centers. 158 providers were supported with statewide grant applications to increase capacity and/or improve facilities. The trishare Child Care program supported paying for Child Care for 113 children from 82 families and 24 employers with 34 participating Child Care providers.
Great start to quality southeast resource center the gsq se rc helps Child Care providers by providing training, resources, and onsite consultation for early childhood educators to improve the quality of Care provided to young children. During the fiscal year, resource center staff supported 159 licensed programs with quality improvements and participation in great start to quality. In addition, resource center staff offered a total of 19 great start to quality orientation trainings for a total of 306 licenseexempt provider attendees. The resource center also offered an additional 76 trainings in early childhood topics with a total of 1,297 participants. The resource center staff also supported providers with stabilization grants and had a total of 587 provider contacts. Finally, the resource center staff worked to build Child Care capacity in branch and hillsdale counties. By the end of the fiscal year, there were 3 new licensed Child Care homes in branch county and 2 new licensed Child Care homes in hillsdale county. This increased branch county's Child Care capacity by 7% and hillsdale by 4%.