Program areas at Child Study Center
Child Study Center (csc) provides children who have complex developmental and behavioral disabilities the highest quality diagnosis, treatment, and education to help them achieve their full potential. At csc, we understand that developmental and behavioral challenges are frequently multi-dimensional. The wide approach we embrace offers a range of services including developmental pediatrics, applied behavioral analysis, psychological care and educational services through csc's jane justin school. Applied behavioral analysis: Child Study Center provides behavioral analytic services to children with developmental disabilities who either display difficult behaviors such as noncompliance, tantrums, property destruction, self-injury and aggression or lack desireable skills such as self-help, social, play, academic and language. This program also provides educational opportunities for children with diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder using applied behavior analysis methods. These children may attend up to 35 hours per week with one-on-one instruction from program specialists under the supervision of board certified behavior analysts. Additional support is provided by the developmental pediatric dept for diagnosis and treatment services. During 2023, visits totaled 5,984 and treatment services were provided to a total of 133 unduplicated patients.
Developmental pediatric services: Child Study Center conducts comprehensive neurodevelopment pediatric evaluations and follow-up for children in order to provide diagnostic and treatment services. In fy23, csc saw more than 4,821 patient visits from children who have, or are at risk for, developmental disabilities.
Jane justin school and csc upper school: Child Study Center provides structured educational services, comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis for children with developmental and/or learning disabilities. These services are hoped to maximize potential for optimum academic and social development. During 2023, 103 unduplicated children received educational services. In addition, we have continued to expand our upper school services with the aim to prepare these students to successfully transition to adulthood with necessary skills to live independently and secure meaningful employment. The addition of a board certified behavior analyst and additional job coaches are ensuring these students are experiencing evidence-based vocational training. We are now partnering with other cook children's departments to provide job training and employment opportunities.