Program areas at CWLA
Education and national advocacy: cwla is the nation's leading voice for millions of children who are abused, neglected, or vulnerable. Cwla advocates for public policies that benefit children at the federal, state, and local levels. Cwla works with its members, partner organizations, and other advocates and national organizations with the goal of improving the quality of services so that children, youth, families, and communities can flourish. A key aspect of cwla's work is collaborating with members and other stakeholders to establish guidelines in best practices for Child Welfare services through cwla's standards of excellence. Cwla brings its knowledge and expertise directly to agencies and communities through its advocacy, programs, publications, training, conferences, and professional development activities.
Research: cwla collects and analyzes best practices and trend data on multiple issues relevant to the field of Child and family services. Cwla also disseminates information to its members and other stakeholders through publications, social media, and conferences to enhance outcomes for children, youth, families, and communities.
Consultation: cwla brings its knowledge and expertise to agencies and communities through its formal and informal consultation. This includes agency assessments, policy reviews and analysis, assistance with strategic planning, critical incident reviews, and program consultation for public and private Child Welfare agencies and federal and state legislatures based on best practice standards.