Program areas at Children in Christ
Children in Christ holds weekly childrens clubs (CIC clubs)in remote, unchurched regions, which are led by equipped and trained indigenous local church ministry volunteers. These weekly CIC club meetings include games, worship, Bible lessons, discipleship content, life application questions and prayer. In FY 2023, approximately 236,841 children in 4529 clubs in 26 sites/countries across Sub-Saharan Africa attended CIC clubs weekly.
Children in Christ inspires, equips, and trains indigenous Africa church leaders and lay ministry volunteers in the importance of children and how to minister to them effectively. We train pastors and churches to understand that children, who are 48% of the population in Africa are very important to God and should be very important to the church as well. Additionally CIC emphasizes the importance of the local church reaching the unchurched children by ministering Gods love to them. CIC provides interested pastors and churches with 5 days of childrens ministry vision and ministry trainings, so that those churches can establish ministry to unchurched children in their proximate regions through childrens weekly clubs. In FY 23, CIC inspired and mobilized 33,336 indigenous ministry volunteers to minister in these clubs. Total participants trained in FY23 were 10,131 in which 1893 pastors were trained and equipped for the ministry. 1027 training events were held.
Children in Christ inspires, equips and empowers children and youth to not only grow in their faith, but also to meaningfully impact others with Gods love and truth. The ministry intentionally focuses on mentoring and developing servant leaders through ongoing discipleship as well as more structured leadership development initiatives like: (1) being trained in our Living Active Method discipleship principles, concepts and techniques that equip and empower them to impact and disciple others, (2) being actively encouraged to serve as part of the CIC Club ministry facilitation team and equipped weekly in that teams preparation, (3) being equipped and empowered as key trainers, (4) serving as core team members in all aspects of the ministry, (5) co-ministering with more senior leaders to do follow-ups, club evaluations, and spiritual impact surveys, (6) actively growing in their faith through Child and Youth Leadership retreats and trainings.