Program areas at Children's Aid Society of Mercer County
Family focus:the services provided by the family focus program are interactive, relationship based, and designed to help parents care for their children and adolescents with mental health problems in the home. Services include self-regulation, echo systemic therapy and 24/7 availability of the family focus team for crisis mitigation. The goals during this 32-week course of intensive therapy are to support families, foster independence, promote family skills, and to prevent hospitalization or other out of home placement. These services are designed to offer a rapid response to the needs of the family. During the 2023 calendar year, the family focus program staff of three, and part of the year, four, provided therapy to 123 identified clients. At the close of the authorized service period, 72% of the clients showed improvement in their score on the child and adolescent functional assessment scale.
Day care:it is the goal of the day care program to provide an environment that the children will enjoy while learning new skills, making new friends, and preparing for school. Structured learning activities are built into the daily routine so that staff can focus on the age-appropriate development of sensory awareness, gross motor, fine motor, communication, listening and cognitive skills as well as aiding in the development of self-control, self-esteem, and independence. Coordination of age-appropriate activities are implemented during the summer to encourage those of school age to retain and build on existing skills and activities in both indoor and outdoor settings.the 7 day care staff provided care to 62 infants, toddlers, pre-school and school age children. At the conclusion of service, an end of service questionnaire is provided to parents. The results of this survey in 2023 indicates that 100% of parents would recommend this service to family and friends and they would use the services again if 2023, Children's Aid Society's day care was once again awarded a star **** in the keystone stars program. This program uses a rating scale of 1 to 4 stars to rate the day cares in Pennsylvania. The day care director writes a monthly newsletter that is given to each family in the program. In this newsletter you will find parenting tips, upcoming day care events and seasonal activities to do with your family. The director also maintains a day care facebook page.
Adoption and permanency:the services of the adoption and permanency department focus on locating a forever home for referred children and for families to understand the effects of trauma and give them the tools necessary to support the child. The first service offered by the program is writing a child profile, which entails creating a detailed report on a child's history. The next available service is child preparation, which includes creation of a lifebook (scrapbook) and sessions to help them prepare for the next transition they will undergo, whether it be returning to the birth family, moving to a group home or an adoptive home or aging out of the system and living independently. Child specific recruitment is the process we use to match a child with a prospective forever family or with a connection from their past that the child or youth can use as a support system. For those clients aging out of the system, our mentoring service matches them with a volunteer mentor that will be a support to them as they begin living as an independent adult. We also support families who are adopting. We complete homestudies and family profiles that assist in being matching with a pre-adoptive child. For families who have adopted or taken legal custody.during the 2023 calendar year services were provided to 782 identified clients.adoption and permanency distributes approximately 200 newsletters monthly, via a mass emailing list. This newsletter includes articles of interest on adoption, tips for the adoptive parent, upcoming training, and lots of relevant tips for those involved in the adoption process.
Foster care:the foster care program serves youth in counties throughout western Pennsylvania. Services include but are not limited to recruitment, training, certification, placement, case management, and supervision. This program has regular collaboration with the statewide adoption and permanency network, swan affiliate agencies, pa department of human services, and County agencies throughout 2023, 1 foster care staff member provided services to 58 children and family referral coordinated a program to provide christmas gifts and food to 808 Mercer County families in need during the holiday season.