Program areas at Children's Center of Surry
Provide shelter care for children that require out-of-the-home care for reasons of abuse, neglect, lack of discipline, delinquency, or other various high-risk situations.
Surry yadkin domestic violence counseling: provides under-served victims of crime with trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy for children and their caregivers in Surry and yadkin counties.
Strengthening families-dhhs: is a fourteen (14) week session, evidence- based parenting skills, Children's life skills, and family skills training program that involves parents and children ages six to eleven (6-11), both separately and together.
Why try: resilience education program for at risk teens involved in the court system. Teens go through a ten (10) week series with trained facilitators. Nurturing parenting program (npp) in Surry, yadkin, and stokes county: provides for families and their children from birth to seventeen (17) years of age and at risk of child abuse, neglect and/or domestic violence. The parent educator/home visitor will provide parenting education through "the nurturing program" developed for infants, toddlers and preschoolers through weekly home visits in the families' home environment and monthly group meetings. Smart start nurturing parenting program (npp) in yadkin county: provides for families and their children from birth to seventeen (17) years of age and at risk of child abuse, neglect and/or domestic violence. The parent educator/home visitor will provide parenting education through "the nurturing program" developed for infants, toddlers and preschoolers through weekly home visits in the families' home environment and monthly group meetings. Fresh start waay to success program: evidence based group and individual cognitive behavioral therapy for juvenile justice level 2 teens and their families. Teen court and community service and restitution: a restorative justice diversion program with a tribunal aspect, youth make restitution for harm they have caused through community service, letters of apology, essays, jury duties and education assignments. Respite: provides parents, children and referring agencies with a safe and nurturing environment for children to stay while families resolve conflicts and reduce stress. Strengthening families (sf-jcpc): is a seven (7) session, evidence-based parenting skills and teen life skills program that involves parents and children ages ten to fourteen (10-14), both separately and together. Incredible years (iy): is a sixteen (16) weekly session, evidenced-based parenting program for parents of children four (4) to six (6) years of age, held to educate, support and coach parents in Surry and yadkin counties. Alternative learning program: academic support to provide children residing at the Children's Center and at risk youth in the community with strength- based educational support, resources and tutoring to enhance their educational opportunities. Real world: teaching financial literacy, social and life skills to youth ages 14 to 18 through a real life simulation and interactive educational workshops. Behavioral health program: provides clinical services for those actively enrolled in medicaid or nc healthchoice. The program helps clients address problems that may be the result of emotional or behavioral turmoil in their lives. Services are provided by licensed clinicians and use a cognitive behavioral approach to identify barriers, set goals, and teach new coping skills that can improve current level of functioning. Independent living skills (links): to improve outcomes, the independent living services for foster children (nc links) provides services and resources to: youth and young adults currently or formerly in foster care ages 13-17, young adults who are between the ages of 18-21 and are participating in foster care 18 to 21, and young adults who aged out of foster care at age 18 and are not participating in foster care 18 to 21.